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Jacobi–Angelesco Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials on an r-Star
Constructive Approximation ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s00365-019-09457-2
Marjolein Leurs , Walter Van Assche

We investigate type I multiple orthogonal polynomials on r intervals that have a common point at the origin and endpoints at the r roots of unity $$\omega ^j$$ωj, $$j=0,1,\ldots ,r-1$$j=0,1,…,r-1, with $$\omega = \exp (2\pi i/r)$$ω=exp(2πi/r). We use the weight function $$|x|^\beta (1-x^r)^\alpha $$|x|β(1-xr)α, with $$\alpha ,\beta >-1$$α,β>-1, for the multiple orthogonality relations. We give explicit formulas for the type I multiple orthogonal polynomials, the coefficients in the recurrence relation, and the differential equation, and we obtain the asymptotic distribution of the zeros.


r 星上的 Jacobi-Angelesco 多重正交多项式

我们研究了 r 个区间上的 I 类多个正交多项式,它们在原点处有一个公共点,在统一的 r 个根处有一个端点 $$\omega ^j$$ωj, $$j=0,1,\ldots ,r-1 $$j=0,1,…,r-1,其中 $$\omega = \exp (2\pi i/r)$$ω=exp(2πi/r)。我们使用权重函数 $$|x|^\beta (1-x^r)^\alpha $$|x|β(1-xr)α,其中 $$\alpha ,\beta >-1$$α ,β>-1,对于多重正交关系。我们给出了第一类多重正交多项式、递推关系中的系数和微分方程的显式公式,并得到了零点的渐近分布。