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Transplanting success of two alpine plant species in combination with mulching during restoration of a high-elevation peatland
Wetlands Ecology and Management ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s11273-019-09695-y
Francis Isselin-Nondedeu , Stéphanie Gaucherand

Many high-elevation wetlands have been degraded by activities related to the skiing industry. However, few studies exist on their restoration in this harsh environment. From 2010 to 2017, we set up an experiment on a degraded bog located at 2500 m within the ski resort of Val-Thorens (France). We tested (1) if transplanting two sedge species, Trichophorum cespitosum and Eriophorum scheuchzeri effectively helped to initiate the restoration of the bog vegetation and (2) if different planting combinations of the species under different mulch treatments affected transplant survival and cover. After stabilising the bare peat with wood fascines and installed weirs in the incised gully that drained the bog, we planted tussocks of T. cespitosum and ramets of E. scheuchzeri, each alone or in mixture. We used straw mulch or a “biomulch” made of live shoots of Polytrichum moss. After a slight increase the first 2 years, the number of E. scheuchzeri ramets decreased continuously in all treatments and reached zero in 2016. T. cespitosum had a low mortality in all treatments; its annual survival rate and cover were significantly higher with biomulch. Because of strong winds and snow action, all the straw was removed after 2 years while the biomulch cover remained between 10 and 25% from the third to the fifth year then was close to zero from 2016. Nevertheless, this low cover seemed sufficient to favour the survival and growth of T. cespitosum. In 2017, bare soil was lower in all treatments with biomulch and T. cespitosum. This treatment appears to be the best restoration option, but it is likely that more than 7 to 10 years will be required to establish adequate plant cover at degraded high-elevation sites.



许多高海拔湿地因与滑雪产业有关的活动而退化。但是,在这种恶劣环境下对其恢复的研究很少。从2010年到2017年,我们对位于Val-Thorens(法国)滑雪胜地内2500 m处的退化沼泽进行了实验。我们测试(1)如果移栽2种莎草,Trichophorum cespitosum羊胡子scheuchzeri有效地帮助启动沼泽植被的恢复和(2)如根据不同覆盖处理的品种种植不同组合的影响移栽成活率和盖。在用木迷迭香稳定裸露的泥炭并在切开的沟渠中安装堰以排干沼泽后,我们种下了锥顶锥草T. cespitosum)和of的分株。E. scheuchzeri,单独或混合使用。我们采用秸秆覆盖或“biomulch”由活芽金发藓。略有增加后的第2年,数量E. scheuchzeri分株在所有治疗持续下降和在2016年达到零T. cespitosum曾在所有处理的低死亡率; 生物覆盖物的年生存率和覆盖率显着更高。由于强风和积雪的影响,两年后所有秸秆都被移走,而从第三年到第五年,生物覆盖物覆盖率保持在10%到25%之间,然后从2016年接近零。然而,这种低覆盖率似乎足以支持猪屎肠杆菌的存活和生长。在2017年,所有生物覆盖物和cespitosum处理的裸土都较低。这种处理方法似乎是最好的修复方法,但是可能需要7到10年以上的时间才能在退化的高海拔地区建立足够的植物覆盖率。