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Classifying Hilbert functions of fat point subschemes in ℙ 2
Collectanea Mathematica ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2009 , DOI: 10.1007/bf03191208
A. V. Geramita , Brian Harbourne , Juan Migliore

The paper [10] raised the question of what the possible Hilbert functions are for fat point subschemes of the form 2p 1+...+2p r, for all possible choices ofr distinct points in ℙ2. We study this problem forr points in ℙ2 over an algebraically closed fieldk of arbitrary characteristic in case eitherr ≤ 8 or the points lie on a (possibly reducible) conic. In either case, it follows from [17, 18] that there are only finitely many configuration types of points, where our notion of configuration type is a generalization of the notion of a representable combinatorial geometry, also known as a representable simple matroid. (We sayp 1, ...,p r andp 1 , ... ,p r have the sameconfiguration type if for all choices of nonnegative integersm i ,Z=m 1 p 1+...+m r p r andZ′=m 1 p 1 +...+m r p r have the same Hilbert function.) Assuming either that 7 ≤r ≤ 8 (see [12] for the casesr ≤6) or that the pointsp i lie on a conic, we explicitly determine all the configuration types, and show how the configuration type and the coefficientsm i determine (in an explicitly computable way) the Hilbert function (and sometimes the graded Betti numbers) ofZ=m 1 p 1+...+m r p r . We demonstrate our results by explicitly listing all Hilbert functions for schemes ofr≤ 8 double points, and for each Hilbert function we state precisely how the points must be arranged (in terms of the configuration type) to obtain that Hilbert function.



文献[10]中提出的什么可能的希尔伯特函数是形式2的脂肪点subschemes问题p 1 + ... + 2 p - [R ,对于所有可能的选择- [R在ℙ不同的点2。我们研究这个问题[R在ℙ分2比代数闭场ķ任意特征的情况下,或者[R≤8或这些点位于(可能是可还原的)圆锥上。无论哪种情况,从[17,18]中得出,只有有限多种点的配置类型,其中我们的配置类型概念是可表示的组合几何体(也称为可表示的简单拟阵线)概念的概括。(我们说p 1,...,p [Rp 1 ',...,p [R '具有相同的构型,如果对非负整数的所有选择中号 ž =1 p 1 + ... +- [R p - [R ž '= 1 p 1 ' + ... + - [R p - [R '具有相同的希尔伯特功能。)假设要么7≤ [R ≤8(见[12]的情况下- [R ≤6)或点p i位于圆锥上,我们显式确定所有配置类型,并显示配置类型和系数m i如何(以显式可计算的方式)确定Z = m 1的希尔伯特函数(有时是分级的Betti数)p 1 + ... + m r p r 。我们通过明确列出所有希尔伯特功能的方案展示我们的研究结果[R ≤8个双倍积分,并为每个希尔伯特功能,我们恰恰说明该点必须如何排列(配置类型方面),以获得希尔伯特功能。