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Microbiota of Bauxites in the Eva Deposit (Guinea-Bissau)
Lithology and Mineral Resources ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-03 , DOI: 10.1134/s0024490219060063
A. F. Georgievskiy , E. A. Zhegallo , V. M. Bugina


Now more than one century after the publication of works of V.I. Vernadsky and Ya.V. Samoilov, important role of the biogenic factor in the sedimentary ore genesis has become an undeniable fact for all geologists. Discussions at present are concerned mainly with creative nature of the activity of organisms in the formation of specified mineral resources. In the collective monograph of Russian geologists “Biomorphic Structures of Bauxites” published in 2004, based on studying several tens of deposits with a vast age (Late Proterozoic to Quaternary) range and geographic setting (Africa, Eurasia, Australia, and America), active participation of different microbial communities in the bauxite formation was demonstrated. Accomplishment of SEM studies of ores from the Eva bauxite deposit (Guinea-Bissau), an object little known in Russia, continues research works in this field initiated by E.L. Shkol’nik.




VI Vernadsky和Ya.V.的作品出版后已有一百多年了。Samoilov,生物成因因素在沉积矿成因中的重要作用,已成为所有地质学家不可否认的事实。目前的讨论主要涉及生物在特定矿产资源形成过程中的创造性活动。在研究2004年出版的俄罗斯地质学家集体专着《铝土矿的生物形态结构》的基础上,研究了数十个年龄宽广(元古代晚期至第四纪)和地理环境(非洲,欧亚大陆,澳大利亚和美国)的矿床,证明了不同微生物群落参与铝土矿形成。完成了在俄罗斯鲜为人知的伊瓦铝土矿(几内亚比绍)矿石的SEM研究,