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Depositional environments and landscapes of the upper Miocene Ipururo Formation at Shumanza, Subandean Zone, northern Peru
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s12549-019-00400-8
Augustin Feussom Tcheumeleu , Séverine Fauquette , Angélica Aliaga Castillo , Camila Martinez , Federico Moreno , Rosa E. Navarrete , Francisco Parra , Frank P. Wesselingh , Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi , Rafael Varas-Malca , Martin Roddaz , Pierre-Olivier Antoine

During the late Miocene, the Andean–Amazonian region experienced drastic climatic and environmental changes, notably due to a major phase in the Andean uplift. The fossil record is virtually undocumented for this period in the Subandean Zone, where very few palaeoenvironmental and palaeontological investigations have been undertaken. Here, we describe plant remains (pollen, spores, and leaves), microfossils, mollusks, and vertebrates from the Ipururo Formation at Shumanza, San Martín, Peru. Twenty-nine plant families are identified from 164 pollen grains and 89 spores, among them Lycophytes, Monilophytes, and angiosperms (5 monocots and 18 eudicots). The pollen sample notably includes Grimsdalea magnaclavata, Palaeosantalaceaepites cingulatus, Echitricolporites spinosus, and Fenestrites longispinosus, pointing to a late Miocene–early Pliocene age for the TAR-27 locality (10.06–3.72 Ma). Leaf impressions, from nearby localities in the same section, document Malvaciphyllum sp. (Malvaceae), three morphs resembling Caryocaraceae, Fabaceae, Myrtaceae, and two unidentified ‘Dicotyledonae’ angiosperms. The mollusk assemblage is somewhat reminiscent of early–middle Miocene Pebasian faunas and dominated by gastropods (ampullariids, cochliopid, cerithioid, and planorbids). It also includes sphaeriid and unionoid bivalves. Vertebrate recovery is very poor, with a serrasalmine characiform and unidentified actinopterygian teeth. Fossil assemblages and sedimentary facies consistently testify to the dominance of riverine/alluvial forests and the persistence of a steady lowland rainforest close to the Andes less than 10.1 million years ago, without indication of (1) mangrove/marine environments or (2) high-elevation ranges in the close surroundings of Shumanza by that time. By coupling palynostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy, Shumanza fossil assemblages would be further assigned an early late Miocene age (10.1–ca. 8 Ma).



在中新世晚期,安第斯–亚马逊地区经历了剧烈的气候和环境变化,这主要是由于安第斯山脉隆升的主要阶段。在这段时期内,苏巴南地区几乎没有化石记录,那里很少进行古环境和古生物学调查。在这里,我们描述了秘鲁圣马丁Shumanza的Ipururo组的植物遗骸(花粉,孢子和叶子),微化石,软体动物和脊椎动物。从164个花粉粒和89个孢子中鉴定出29个植物科,其中包括苔藓植物,单生植物和被子植物(5个单子叶植物和18个双子叶植物)。该花粉样品主要包括格里姆斯达拉玛格纳克拉瓦塔Grimsdalea magnaclavata)古金龟子Palaeosantalaceaepites cingulatus)棘皮纲棘孢Fenestrites longispinosus,指出TAR-27地区的中新世晚期至上新世早期(10.06-3.72 Ma)。同一部分附近地区的叶子印象记录了锦葵科sp。(锦葵科),三个变种,类似于毛race科,豆科,桃金娘科和两个不明的'Dicotyledonae'被子植物。软体动物的组合有点让人联想到中新世早期的中巴生动物区系,并以腹足动物(壶腹类,耳蜗类,环硫类和平面类)为主。它也包括鳞片类和双生双壳类。脊椎动物的恢复非常差,有锯齿亚胺的性状和未鉴定的放线翅目牙齿。化石组合和沉积相一致地证明了不到1010万年前的安第斯山脉附近河流/冲积林的主导地位和稳定的低地雨林的持续存在,没有迹象表明(1)红树林/海洋环境或(2)高到那时Shumanza周围的海拔高度都很高。通过将古地层学和岩性地层学结合起来,
