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A report on epibionts and new record of two ciliates Ephelota plana and Ephelota gigantea in the coastal waters of Bay of Bengal, Northern Indian Ocean
Symbiosis ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s13199-019-00659-7
Jasmine Purushothaman , Aishee Bhowal , Alfisa Siddique , Sanu V. Francis , Chelladurai Raghunathan

The present study highlights the effect of epibiont on basibiont and their host-specificity on marine copepods and phytoplankton in coastal waters of Bay of Bengal. These epibionts have been investigated from three transects (TrA: 10 m.17.80°N;83.427°E; 20 m.17.80°N; 83.453°E; 30 m. 17.80°N; 83.469°E; TrB:10 m.17.75°N; 83.406°E; 20 m. 17.75°N; 83.41°E; 30 m. 17.75°N; 83.5°E and TrC:10 m.16.97°N;82.342°E; 20 m.16.97°N;82.391°E; 30 m 16.97°N; 82.425°E) from 0 to 30 m depths. Morphology, ecology and biometric data of all epibionts have been studied from fixed samples. This is the first report of epizoic diatom e.g., Pseudohimantidium pacificum attached with the copepod Ditrichocorycaeus asiaticus, and three ciliates, e.g., Ephelota gemmipara on the Canthocalanus pauper, Ephelota plana on the Centropages orsinii and Ephelota gigantea on the Euchaeta concinna reported from the Bay of Bengal (BoB), northern Indian Ocean. In this study, basibiont species specificity was shown by Vorticella oceanica, P. pacificum and E. gigantea.


北印度洋孟加拉湾近岸水域的两个纤毛埃普埃罗塔(Ehelhel Plana)和埃普埃洛塔(Ephelota gigantea)的epi脚类和新记录

本研究强调了表生生物对basibion​​t的影响及其寄主特异性对孟加拉湾沿岸水域海洋co足类和浮游植物的影响。10 m.17.80:这些epibion​​ts已经从三个断面(TRA调查° ; 83.427Ñ ° é; 20 m.17.80 ° N; 83.453 °的E为30米17.80 ° N; 83.469 ° 10 m.17.75:,E TrB的° N; 83.406 ° ê;20米17.75。° N; 83.41 ° ê为30米17.75。° N; 83.5 ° E和TrC中:10 m.16.97 ° N; 82.342 ° ê; 20 m.16.97 ° N; 82.391 °E; 30 m 16.97 ° N;82.425 ° E)从0到30 m深度。已经从固定样本中研究了所有附睾的形态,生态和生物特征数据。这是epizoic硅藻例如,第一报告Pseudohimantidium pacificum连接与桡足类Ditrichocorycaeus胭脂,和三个纤毛虫,例如,Ephelota gemmiparaCanthocalanus穷光蛋,Ephelota扁平胸刺水蚤orsiniiEphelota巨真刺水蚤水蚤从海湾报孟加拉(BoB),印度洋北部。在这项研究中,basibion​​t物种特异性通过显示钟虫大洋洲,P. pacificumE. gigantea