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A new sea catfish, Netuma patriciae (Siluriformes: Ariidae), from the Philippines
Ichthyological Research ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s10228-019-00719-4
Yumeka Takahashi , Seishi Kimura , Hiroyuki Motomrua

A new sea catfish (Ariidae), Netuma patriciae, is described based on the holotype and nine paratypes, 127.3–303.4 mm in standard length, collected from Panay and Luzon islands, Philippines. The new species most resembles N. thalassina (Rüppell 1837), in sharing counts of anal-fin rays (17–19 in N. patriciae, 15–17 in N. thalassina) and a distinct dorsomedian head groove (longitudinal length of the groove, 33.7–40.1% of head length, 22.3–31.0%). However, the new species can be easily distinguished from the latter in having fused vomerine tooth patches, and more numerous free vertebrae (43–44 vs. 41–42 in N. thalassina). Although N. bilineata (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes 1840a) has also fused vomerine tooth patches, the new species is distinguished by having fewer free vertebrae (43–44 vs. 47–51 in N. bilineata) and longer dorsomedian head groove (33.7–40.1% of head length vs. 0–9.7%). The new species can also be easily distinguished from both N. thalassina and N. bilineata by having a filamentous dorsal-fin ray (longest dorsal-fin ray 26.9–35.9% of standard length vs 20.3–23.3% in N. thalassina, 20.9–25.3% in N. bilineata, standard length > 127 mm) and a U-shaped junction of dorsomedian head ridge (vs. V-shaped in both species).


来自菲律宾的一种新海鲶鱼 Netuma patriciae (Siluriformes: Ariidae)

一种新的海鲶科(鲶科),Netuma patriciae,基于正模和九个副型进行描述,标准长度为 127.3-303.4 毫米,收集自菲律宾班乃岛和吕宋岛。这个新种与 N. thalassina (Rüppell 1837) 最相似,共享臀鳍鱼的数量(N. patriciae 为 17-19,N. thalassina 为 15-17)和一个明显的背鳍头沟(沟的纵向长度) , 33.7–40.1% 的头长, 22.3–31.0%)。然而,新物种可以很容易地与后者区分开来,因为它们具有融合的犁骨齿斑和更多的游离椎骨(43-44 vs. N. thalassina 中的 41-42)。尽管双线猪笼草(Valenciennes in Cuvier 和 Valenciennes 1840a)也融合了犁骨齿斑块,但新物种的特点是游离椎骨较少(43-44 vs. N. 47-51)。bilineata)和更长的背内侧头沟(头部长度的 33.7-40.1% vs. 0-9.7%)。通过具有丝状背鳍鳍条(最长背鳍鳍条为标准长度的 26.9–35.9%,而在 N. thalassina 中为 20.3–23.3%,20.9–在 N. bilineata 中为 25.3%,标准长度 > 127 毫米)和背内侧头脊的 U 形连接处(与两个物种中的 V 形相比)。