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The applications of metal-organic-frameworks in controlled release of drugs
Reviews and Advances in Chemistry Pub Date : 2017-02-23 , DOI: 10.1134/s2079978017010022
Mohammad A. Chowdhury

The metal-organic-frameworks (MOFs) materials are used as drug carrying substrate in the controlled release of drugs. MOFs are also considered to harness dual or multiple modalities in therapeutic and diagnostic applications. Based on the research that took place over the last 10 years, this article presents an overview on the recent development of the unmodified and modified MOFs used in drug controlled release applications, and describes their biological evaluations such as, biocompatibility, bio-toxicity, cellular uptakes, tissue responses, and intracellular drug delivery. This review illustrates enormous diversities and complexities which cover complex designs and syntheses, types of MOFs being used, drug loadings, types of drug used, drug release kinetics, and ranges of biological evaluations on the MOFs. Perspectives, insights, critical reflections, and future outlook are presented on the area of drug controlled release research using MOFs.


