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Erratum to: Scope and relevance of a pulmonary biopharmaceutical classification system AAPS/FDA/USP Workshop March 16-17th, 2015 in Baltimore, MD
AAPS Open Pub Date : 2016-05-10 , DOI: 10.1186/s41120-016-0005-2
Jayne E. Hastedt , Per Bäckman , Andrew R. Clark , William Doub , Anthony Hickey , Guenther Hochhaus , Phil J. Kuehl , Claus-Michael Lehr , Peter Mauser , Jason McConville , Ralph Niven , Masahiro Sakagami , Jeffry G. Weers

The original version of this article (Hastedt et al. 2016) contained an error. The twelfth author’s name was inadvertently misspelled. The correct spelling is Masahiro Sakagami.

  1. Hastedt JE, Per B, Clark AR, William D, Anthony H, Guenther H, Kuehl PJ, Claus-Michael L, Peter M, Jason MC, Ralph N, Masahiro S, Weers JG (2016) Scope and relevance of a pulmonary biopharmaceutical classification system AAPS/FDA/USP Workshop March 16-17th, 2015 in Baltimore, MD. AAPS Open 2:1

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  1. JDP Pharma Consulting, LLC, San Carlos, USA

    Jayne E. Hastedt

  2. AstraZeneca R&D, London, UK

    Per Bäckman

  3. Aerogen Pharma, Patiala, India

    Andrew R. Clark

  4. Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Food and Drug Administration, St. Louis, USA

    William Doub

  5. RTI International, RTP, Durham, USA

    Anthony Hickey

  6. University of Florida, Gainesville, USA

    Guenther Hochhaus

  7. Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, Albuquerque, USA

    Phil J. Kuehl

  8. Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) and Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

    Claus-Michael Lehr

  9. Merck Research Laboratories, Kenilworth, USA

    Peter Mauser

  10. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA

    Jason McConville

  11. Novartis, Basel, Switzerland

    Ralph Niven & Jeffry G. Weers

  12. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA

    Masahiro Sakagami

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  2. Per BäckmanView author publications

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  4. William DoubView author publications

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  5. Anthony HickeyView author publications

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  6. Guenther HochhausView author publications

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  7. Phil J. KuehlView author publications

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  8. Claus-Michael LehrView author publications

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  9. Peter MauserView author publications

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  10. Jason McConvilleView author publications

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  13. Jeffry G. WeersView author publications

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Correspondence to Jayne E. Hastedt.

The online version of the original article can be found under doi:10.1186/s41120-015-0002-x.

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Hastedt, J.E., Bäckman, P., Clark, A.R. et al. Erratum to: Scope and relevance of a pulmonary biopharmaceutical classification system AAPS/FDA/USP Workshop March 16-17th, 2015 in Baltimore, MD. AAPS Open 2, 4 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41120-016-0005-2

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勘误到:肺生物药物分类系统的范围和相关性AAPS / FDA / USP研讨会于2015年3月16日至17日在马里兰州巴尔的摩举行


  1. Hastedt JE,Per B,Clark AR,William D,Anthony H,Guenther H,Kuehl PJ,Claus-Michael L,Peter M,Jason MC,Ralph N,Masahiro S,Weers JG(2016)肺部生物制药的范围和相关性分类系统APS / FDA / USP研讨会于2015年3月16日至17日在马里兰州巴尔的摩举行。AAPS公开赛2:1

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  1. JDP Pharma Consulting,LLC,美国圣卡洛斯


  2. 英国伦敦阿斯利康研发中心


  3. Aerogen Pharma,印度帕蒂亚拉


  4. 美国圣路易斯食品和药物管理局药物分析部门


  5. RTI International,RTP,美国达勒姆


  6. 佛罗里达大学,盖恩斯维尔,美国


  7. 美国阿尔伯克基Lovelace呼吸研究所


  8. 萨尔州亥姆霍兹药物研究所(HIPS)和萨尔大学(德国萨尔布吕肯)


  9. 默克研究实验室,美国凯尼尔沃思


  10. 新墨西哥大学,美国阿尔伯克基


  11. 瑞士巴塞尔诺华

    拉尔夫·尼文(Ralph Niven)和杰弗里(Jeffry G.

  12. 弗吉尼亚联邦大学,美国里士满


  1. Jayne E. Hastedt查看作者出版物

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  2. PerBäckman查看作者出版物

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  3. 安德鲁·克拉克(Andrew R. Clark)查看作者出版物

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  4. William Doub查看作者出版物

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  5. Anthony Hickey查看作者出版物

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  6. Guenther Hochhaus查看作者出版物

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  7. Phil J. Kuehl查看作者出版物

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  9. 彼得·毛瑟(Peter Mauser)查看作者出版物

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  10. Jason McConville查看作者出版物

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  11. Ralph Niven View作者出版物

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  12. 坂上雅弘查看作者的出版物

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  13. Jeffry G. Weers查看作者出版物

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对应于Jayne E. Hastedt

原始文章的在线版本可在doi:10.1186 / s41120-015-0002-x下找到





Hastedt,JE,Bäckman,P.,Clark,AR等。勘误至:肺生物药物分类系统APS / FDA / USP研讨会的范围和相关性,2015年3月16日至17日,马里兰州巴尔的摩。AAPS 2、4(2016)期。https://doi.org/10.1186/s41120-016-0005-2

