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Impact of structural habitat modifications in coastal temperate systems on fish recruitment: a systematic review
Environmental Evidence ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-12 , DOI: 10.1186/s13750-019-0157-3
Biljana Macura , Pär Byström , Laura Airoldi , Britas Klemens Eriksson , Lars Rudstam , Josianne G. Støttrup

Shallow nearshore marine ecosystems are changing at an increasing rate due to a range of human activities such as urbanisation and commercial development. As a result, an increasing number of structural modifications occur in coastal nursery and spawning habitats of fish. Concomitant to this increase, there have been declines in many coastal fish populations and changes in the composition of fish communities. As requested by Swedish stakeholders, this review aimed to synthesise scientific evidence of the impact on fish recruitment of structural modifications in temperate coastal areas. We searched for peer-reviewed and grey literature on such impacts in English, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, German, Swedish and Spanish. Searches were performed in bibliographic databases, specialist websites, bibliographies of review articles. We also contacted stakeholder to find relevant literature. Eligible studies included small- and large-scale field studies in marine systems and large lakes (> 10,000 km2) in temperate regions of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Included replicated comparisons of fish recruitment between altered and unaltered control areas, comparisons before and after an alteration, or both. Relevant outcomes (response variables) included measures of recruitment defined as abundance of juvenile fish in coastal habitats. All fish species were considered. Articles were screened for eligibility by title, abstract and full text. Eligible studies were critically appraised based on their external and internal validity. From each eligible study of sufficient validity, we extracted information on study design, measured outcomes, exposure, type of comparator, effect modifiers and study findings. Study findings were synthesised narratively. We searched for eligible studies in 15 databases, 24 specialist websites, Google Scholar, and bibliographies of 11 review articles. The review finally included 37 studies that were eligible and of sufficient validity to be considered for final synthesis. Most studies (23 of 37) were from the Northern Hemisphere. Studies varied in design, spatial resolution, target fish species, and type of structural habitat change. This high level of variation did not allow for a quantitative synthesis and prevented us from drawing general conclusions on the impact of structures or structural modifications on fish recruitment. In this review we provide a narrative synthesis of the evidence base and classify eligible studies into six categories (based on type of exposure and comparator). The categories are as follows: the impacts on fish recruitment of: (1) artificial structures in coastal areas, (2) structures designed as fish attractors, (3) large scale urban sprawl, (4) ‘novel’ habitats, (5) habitat loss, and (6) restoration. This review revealed a very limited evidence base for how structural modifications and marine urban sprawl can affect fish recruitment. Thus, there is a substantial mismatch between stakeholder needs and research evidence. Further, the impact and ecological performance of artificial structures depend both on context and species. Clearly, there is a need for more research on the subject, especially on long-term consequences at larger spatial scales.



由于一系列人类活动,例如城市化和商业发展,浅海近岸海洋生态系统正在以越来越快的速度变化。结果,在沿海苗圃和鱼类产卵栖息地中发生了越来越多的结构改变。与之相伴的是,许多沿海鱼类种群减少,鱼类群落组成发生变化。根据瑞典利益相关者的要求,本次审查旨在综合科学证据,说明温带沿海地区结构改造对鱼类招募的影响。我们搜索了英语,荷兰语,丹麦语,芬兰语,德语,瑞典语和西班牙语中有关此类影响的经过同行评审的灰色文献。在书目数据库,专业网站,评论文章书目中进行搜索。我们还联系了利益相关者以查找相关文献。合格的研究包括在北半球和南半球温带地区的海洋系统和大型湖泊(> 10,000 km2)的小型和大型现场研究。包括在改变的控制区域和未改变的控制区域之间进行的鱼类募集的重复比较,改变前后的比较或两者。相关结果(响应变量)包括招聘量度,定义为沿海生境中幼鱼的丰富度。考虑了所有鱼类。通过标题,摘要和全文筛选文章的资格。合格的研究根据其外部和内部有效性进行严格评估。从每项具有足够有效性的合格研究中,我们都提取了有关研究设计,测量结果,暴露程度,比较者类型,效果修饰剂和研究结果。研究结果是叙述性的。我们在15个数据库,24个专业网站,Google学术搜索以及11篇评论文章的书目中搜索了符合条件的研究。该评价最终包括37项合格且具有足够有效性的研究,可以考虑将其用于最终合成。大多数研究(37个中的23个)来自北半球。研究在设计,空间分辨率,目标鱼类种类和结构性生境变化类型上各不相同。这种高水平的变化无法进行定量合成,因此使我们无法就结构或结构修改对鱼类募集的影响得出一般性结论。在这篇综述中,我们提供了证据基础的叙述性综合,并将符合条件的研究分为六类(基于暴露的类型和比较者)。类别如下:对鱼类招募的影响:(1)沿海地区的人工建筑物,(2)设计成鱼的吸引物的建筑物,(3)大规模的城市蔓延,(4)“新颖”的栖息地,(5)生境丧失,以及(6)恢复。这项审查揭示了非常有限的证据基础,说明结构的变化和海洋城市蔓延如何影响鱼类的招募。因此,利益相关者的需求和研究证据之间存在很大的不匹配。此外,人工结构的影响和生态性能取决于环境和物种。显然,需要对该主题进行更多的研究,