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On some tractable and hard instances for partial incentives and target set selection
Discrete Optimization ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.disopt.2019.05.004
Stefan Ehard , Dieter Rautenbach

A widely studied model for influence diffusion in socialnetworks are target sets. For a graph G and an integer-valued threshold function τ on its vertex set, a target set or dynamic monopoly is a set of vertices of G such that iteratively adding to it vertices u of G that have at least τ(u) neighbors in it eventually yields the entire vertex set of G. This notion is limited to the binary choice of including a vertex in the target set or not, and Cordasco, Gargano, Rescigno, and Vaccaro proposed partial incentives as a variant allowing for intermediate choices.

We show that finding optimal partial incentives is hard for chordal graphs and planar graphs but tractable for graphs of bounded treewidth and for interval graphs with bounded thresholds. We also contribute some new results about target set selection on planar graphs by showing the hardness of this problem, and by describing an efficient O(n)-approximation algorithm as well as a PTAS for the dual problem of finding a maximum degenerate set.



广泛研究的社会网络影响力扩散模型是目标集。对于图G 和一个整数阈值函数 τ在其顶点集上,目标集动态垄断是指一组顶点G 这样反复添加顶点 üG 至少有 τü 最终它的邻居产生了整个顶点集 G。这个概念仅限于在目标集中是否包含一个顶点的二元选择,Cordasco,Gargano,Rescigno和Vaccaro提出了部分激励作为允许中间选择的变体。

