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Changes in the Landscape and Climate of Eastern Europe in the Early Pleistocene
Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-19 , DOI: 10.1134/s086959381904004x
V. V. Pisareva , M. A. Faustova , I. S. Zyuganova , N. V. Karpukhina , A. L. Zakharov , E. A. Konstantinov , V. V. Semenov , R. N. Kurbanov


In the context of shifting the boundary of the Quaternary down to the level of 2.6 Ma and including the Gelasian Stage in the Quaternary System, the systematization of the original and published data on the geology and paleogeography of the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene of Eastern Europe has been carried out. It was established that, at the boundary of the Gauss and Matuyama paleomagnetic epochs, along with the general trend toward cooling and aridization, profound landscape and climate changes occurred and rhythmic fluctuations of the climate intensified. During the period from 2.6 to 1.8 Ma, corresponding to the Gelasian (pre-Tiglian and Tiglian of Western Europe or Paleopleistocene of Eastern Europe), there appeared subarctic landscapes. In the Eopleistocene (1.8–0.78 Ma) and the Early Neopleistocene (0.78–0.42 Ma), the climate became colder, and climatic zonality repeatedly underwent a complex restructuring, gradually approaching the modern one. Glacial deposits (layers of till) occurring in Eastern Europe date back to the Paleopleistocene. Evidence indicates that there were at least three independent glaciations in the Eopleistocene (1.8–0.78 Ma) and possibly four in the Early Neopleistocene. On the basis of studies of stratotypic sections, paragenetic links were established between sediments of different age within glacial and periglacial areas, and the paleogeographic events of the Early Pleistocene of Eastern Europe were correlated with those within the Western European region.




在将第四纪的边界向下移动到2.6 Ma的水平并包括第四纪的格拉斯期的背景下,东欧晚期上新世和早期更新世的地质和古地理数据的原始和公开数据已系统化已经进行了。已经确定,在高斯和马图山古地界的边界,随着冷却和干旱化的总体趋势,发生了深远的景观和气候变化,并且气候的节奏波动加剧了。在2.6至1.8 Ma的时期内,对应于Gelasian(西欧的提格利亚和提格利亚前期或东欧的古更新世),出现了亚北极景观。在上新世(1.8-0.78 Ma)和早期新新世(0.78-0.42 Ma),气候变冷了,气候地带反复进行了复杂的调整,逐渐接近现代气候。东欧的冰川沉积(耕层)可以追溯到古更新世。有证据表明,上新世(1.8-0.78 Ma)至少有三个独立的冰川,而在新新世早期至少有四个。在对层状剖面的研究的基础上,在冰川和周缘冰川区域内不同年龄的沉积物之间建立了共生联系,东欧早期更新世的古地理事件与西欧区域的古地理事件相关。东欧的冰川沉积(耕层)可以追溯到古更新世。有证据表明,上新世(1.8-0.78 Ma)至少有三个独立的冰川,而在新新世早期至少有四个。在对层状剖面的研究的基础上,在冰川和周缘冰川区域内不同年龄的沉积物之间建立了共生联系,东欧早期更新世的古地理事件与西欧区域的古地理事件相关。东欧的冰川沉积(耕层)可以追溯到古更新世。有证据表明,上新世(1.8-0.78 Ma)至少有三个独立的冰川,而在新新世早期至少有四个。在对层状剖面的研究的基础上,在冰川和周缘冰川区域内不同年龄的沉积物之间建立了共生联系,东欧早期更新世的古地理事件与西欧区域的古地理事件相关。