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Polyamine and amino acid profiles in immature Araucaria angustifolia seeds and their association with embryogenic culture establishment
Trees ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s00468-019-01938-y
Leandro Francisco de Oliveira , André Luis Wendt dos Santos , Eny Iochevet Segal Floh

Key message

Analysis of polyamines and amino acid profiles in Araucaria angustifolia immature seeds from two mother tree genotypes in 2 consecutive years, and their association with the establishment of embryogenic cultures.


Polyamines (PAs) and amino acids are an important source of nitrogen in plants. They are known to participate in plant development and their levels are associated with specific zygotic and somatic embryogenesis stages, which means that they may be useful as biochemical markers of developmental stages. The present study carried out an analysis of PA and amino acid profiles in immature Araucaria angustifolia seeds from two mother tree genotypes over 2 consecutive years, and their association with the initiation and maintenance of embryogenic cultures (ECs). The results showed that initiation of ECs in A. angustifolia, as observed in other conifers, depends on harvest year and mother tree genotype. PA and amino acid profiles showed that seeds from distinct mother trees and harvest years are different from one another. These differences were reflected in the initiation of ECs. The metabolic analysis indicates that conjugated Spd, ornithine, and asparagine profiles are candidates as biochemical markers for selection of mother trees. These results will allow for the testing of a large number of mother trees as explant sources and the selection of those with higher potential for somatic embryogenesis.






多胺(PAs)和氨基酸是植物中氮的重要来源。已知它们参与植物发育,并且它们的水平与特定的合子和体细胞胚发生阶段有关,这意味着它们可以用作发育阶段的生化标记。本研究连续2年对来自两种母树基因型的未成熟南洋杉种子的PA和氨基酸谱进行了分析,并将它们与胚胎发生培养物(ECs)的启动和维持联系起来。结果表明,在A. angustifolia中EC的启动在其他针叶树中观察到,取决于收获年和母树基因型。PA和氨基酸图谱表明,来自不同母树和收获年限的种子彼此不同。这些差异反映在EC的启动中。代谢分析表明,共轭的Spd,鸟氨酸和天冬酰胺分布图可以作为选择母树的生化标记。这些结果将允许测试大量的母树作为外植体来源,并选择具有较高体细胞胚发生潜能的母树。