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Effects of ecological and anthropogenic factors on population demography of the harvested Butia capitata palm in the Brazilian Cerrado
Biodiversity and Conservation ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s10531-018-1669-9
Dannyel Sá , Aldicir Scariot , Juliana Benez Ferreira


Plant population response to ecological and anthropogenic factors provides essential information for conservation and management, mainly for species occurring in ecosystems under intense and rapid land use changes, like the Cerrado. We assessed the effects of land use and management upon the distribution of size and on the frequency of life stages of Butia capitata, an intensively harvested fruit palm, endemic to a southeastern portion of the Brazilian Cerrado. Most populations had a reverse-J size-class distribution, indicating good recruitment in the landscape even under fruit harvesting pressure and extensive cattle ranching. Regeneration was null or scarce in areas under more intense land use and management pressure, such as found on large, industrial farms. Soil fertility and texture were associated with seedling frequency, soil texture with sapling frequency, and precipitation with juvenile frequency. These factors must be taken into account for the enrichment, introduction and restoration of populations, actions demanded by traditional populations and family farmers who harvest the valuable fruits of B. capitata. Populations in areas with intense land use and inadequate management practices may be doomed to plummet. In contrast, in areas managed by traditional peoples and family farmers, characterized by low intensity of fruit harvesting and low frequency of cattle, populations should persist. Supporting traditional peoples and family farmers’ livelihoods and promoting changes in the management of areas where the species occurs may contribute to in situ conservation of the Cerrado’s biodiversity in multiple-use landscapes.


生态和人为因素对巴西塞拉多收获的Butia capitata棕榈种群人口统计的影响


植物种群对生态和人为因素的反应为保护和管理提供了重要的信息,主要是针对在土地利用迅速而剧烈变化的生态系统中发生的物种,例如塞拉多。我们评估了土地使用和管理对Butia capitata(一种密集采收的果树)的大小分布和生命周期频率的影响,该果树是巴西Cerrado东南部特有的。大多数种群呈J型倒数分布,这表明即使在收获水果的压力和广泛的牲畜饲养下,该地区也能很好地招募新兵。在土地使用和管理压力更大的地区,例如大型工业农场中,再生很少或很少。土壤肥力和质地与幼苗频率,幼树频率与土壤质地,少年频率与降雨相关。这些因素必须考虑到人口的丰富,引进和恢复,传统人口和收获人头双歧杆菌有价值果实的家庭农民所要求的行动。在土地使用密集和管理不当的地区,人口注定会直线下降。相反,在传统人民和家庭农民管理的地区,其特点是水果收获强度低,牲畜出现频率低,因此人口应持续存在。支持传统民族和家庭农民的生计,并促进对该物种发生地区的管理方式的改变,可能有助于在多种用途景观中就地保护塞拉多的生物多样性。
