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Aminorex identified in horse urine following consumption of Barbarea vulgaris; a preliminary report
Irish Veterinary Journal ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-23 , DOI: 10.1186/s13620-019-0153-5
George Maylin 1 , Clara Fenger 2 , Jacob Machin 3 , Sucheta Kudrimoti 3 , Rodney Eisenberg 4 , Jonathan Green 5 , Thomas Tobin 3

Aminorex, (RS)-5- Phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1,3-oxazol-2-amine, is an amphetamine-like anorectic and in the United States a Drug Enforcement Administration [DEA] Schedule 1 controlled substance. Aminorex in horse urine is usually present as a metabolite of Levamisole, an equine anthelmintic and immune stimulant. Recently, Aminorex identifications have been reported in horse urine with no history or evidence of Levamisole administration. Analysis of the urine samples suggested a botanical source, directing attention to the Brassicaceae plant family, with their contained GlucoBarbarin and Barbarin as possible sources of Aminorex. Since horsepersons face up to a 1 year suspension and a $10,000.00 fine for an Aminorex identification, the existence of natural sources of Aminorex precursors in equine feedstuffs is of importance to both individual horsepersons and the industry worldwide. Testing the hypothesis that Brassicaceae plants could give rise to Aminorex identifications in equine urine we botanically identified and harvested flowering Kentucky Barbarea vulgaris, (“Yellow Rocket”) in May 2018 in Kentucky and administered the plant orally to two horses. Analysis of post-administration urine samples yielded Aminorex, showing that consumption of Kentucky Barbarea vulgaris can give rise to Aminorex identifications in equine urine. Aminorex has been identified in post administration urine samples from horses fed freshly harvested flowering Kentucky Barbarea vulgaris, colloquially “Yellow Rocket”. These identifications are consistent with occasional low concentration identifications of Aminorex in equine samples submitted for drug testing. The source of these Aminorex identifications is believed to be the chemically related Barbarin, found as its precursor GlucoBarbarin in Kentucky Barbarea vulgaris and related Brassicaceae plants worldwide.


在食用 Barbarea vulgaris 后在马尿中发现 Aminorex;初步报告

Aminorex,(RS)-5- Phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1,3-oxazol-2-amine,是一种类似安非他明的厌食药,在美国是缉毒局 [DEA] 附表 1 管制物质。马尿中的 Aminorex 通常作为左旋咪唑的代谢物存在,左旋咪唑是一种马驱虫剂和免疫刺激剂。最近,在马尿中报告了 Aminorex 鉴定,但没有使用左旋咪唑的历史或证据。对尿液样本的分析表明植物来源,将注意力集中在十字花科植物家族中,其中所含的 GlucoBarbarin 和 Barbarin 可能是 Aminorex 的来源。由于骑手因 Aminorex 身份识别而面临长达 1 年的停赛和 10,000.00 美元的罚款,马饲料中 Aminorex 前体的天然来源的存在对于个人骑手和世界范围内的行业都很重要。2018 年 5 月,我们在肯塔基州通过植物学鉴定并收获了开花的 Kentucky Barbarea vulgaris(“黄色火箭”),并测试了十字花科植物可以在马尿中鉴定 Aminorex 的假设,并将该植物口服给两匹马。对给药后尿液样本的分析产生了 Aminorex,表明食用 Kentucky Barbarea vulgaris 可以在马尿中鉴定出 Aminorex。Aminorex 已在来自马匹的给药后尿液样本中被鉴定出来,这些马匹喂食了新鲜收获的开花的肯塔基野马,俗称“黄色火箭”。这些鉴定结果与提交进行药物测试的马样品中偶尔出现的低浓度 Aminorex 鉴定结果一致。这些 Aminorex 鉴定的来源被认为是化学相关的巴巴林,在肯塔基巴巴雷亚和世界范围内的相关十字花科植物中发现了其前体 GlucoBarbarin。