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A study of late Holocene local vegetation dynamics and responses to land use changes in an ancient charcoal making woodland in the central Pyrenees (Ariège, France), using pedoanthracology
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s00334-019-00740-7
Mélanie Saulnier , Raquel Cunill Artigas , Léonel Fouédjeu Foumou , Sandrine Buscaino , Jean-Paul Métailié , Didier Galop , Vanessa Py-Saragaglia

Human activities have profoundly transformed mountain woodland landscapes, particularly in the Pyrenees where they have intensified and diversified since the Bronze Age. Quantification of the role played by past practices with regard to woodland cover is critical for accurate assessment of how ongoing global environmental change may affect its dynamics in the future. A local study was made of charcoal remains from an ancient charcoal-making woodland (ca. 30 ha), the forêt de Bernadouze, located on a north-facing slope in the Vicdessos valley in the French central Pyrenees. This valley is well known as having had a long history of human influence related to pastoralism, iron ore mining and smelting. A total of 1,695 charcoal pieces from soils in three sampling pits were extracted, identified, quantified and dated in order to identify tree canopy openings and patterns of change in the woodland driven by past human uses. The results provide new and original insights regarding 1, the past higher biodiversity and the ancient character of the forêt de Bernadouze, 2, the dynamics and history of the main trees and 3, successive phases of human activity. We show that the current woodland has resulted from several millennia of human activities such as pasturing and use of the wood for making charcoal. From the Bronze Age, humans have progressively transformed a natural fir-dominated woodland into a managed beech-dominated one, and caused the elimination of Taxus baccata L. (yew).



人类活动已经深刻改变了山区林地景观,特别是在比利牛斯山脉,自青铜时代以来,这些林地就变得更加多样化。量化过去的做法在林地覆盖方面所起的作用,对于准确评估持续的全球环境变化可能如何影响其未来动态至关重要。当地的一项研究是对来自古老的制炭林地(约30公顷)的木炭遗迹进行研究,该建筑位于法国比利牛斯山脉中部维克索斯山谷北坡上的伯纳杜兹堡。该山谷以与牧民,铁矿石开采和冶炼有关的人类影响历史悠久。从三个采样坑的土壤中总共提取了1,695块木炭片,进行了鉴定,量化和标明日期,以识别树冠的开口和人类过去的使用所驱动的林地的变化模式。结果提供了关于1,过去的生物多样性和伯纳杜兹堡的古老特征,2,主要树木的动态和历史以及人类活动的连续三个阶段的新的原始见解。我们表明,当前的林地是几千年来人类活动的结果,例如放牧和使用木材制造木炭。从青铜时代开始,人类就将一种以冷杉为主的天然林地逐步转变为以山毛榉为主的自然林地,并消除了 过去更高的生物多样性和伯纳杜兹堡的古老特征,2,主要树木的动态和历史以及人类活动的连续三个阶段。我们表明,当前的林地是几千年来人类活动的结果,例如放牧和使用木材制造木炭。从青铜时代开始,人类就将一种以冷杉为主的天然林地逐步转变为以山毛榉为主的自然林地,并消除了 过去更高的生物多样性和伯纳杜兹堡的古老特征,2,主要树木的动态和历史以及人类活动的连续三个阶段。我们表明,当前的林地是几千年来人类活动的结果,例如放牧和使用木材制造木炭。从青铜时代开始,人类就将一种以冷杉为主的天然林地逐步转变为以山毛榉为主的林地,并消除了南方红豆杉(紫杉)。