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What influences road mortality rates of eastern grey kangaroos in a semi-rural area?
BMC Zoology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-17 , DOI: 10.1186/s40850-019-0047-8
Jai M. Green-Barber , Julie M. Old

Roads have major ecological impacts on wildlife. Vehicle collisions most frequently impact large herbivores due to their larger home range compared to smaller animals, and higher population density compared to carnivores. Kangaroos (Macropus spp.) account for a large proportion of reported wildlife vehicle collisions that occur in N S W, Australia. We aimed to evaluate what influenced road mortality of eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) in a temperate rural/suburban region. The location of roadkilled kangaroos found on or near two 1 km stretches of road in Richmond NSW was recorded throughout 2014 and 2015. Weather and moon phase data were recorded for the date of each roadkilled kangaroo. Transects were setup on both roads, and multiple road and landscape features, including the width of roadside, fence construction, habitat type, and distance from street lights measured at 50 m intervals. Data were analyzed to explore which landscape features and temporal factors influenced the occurrence of a roadkill hotspot. More kangaroo road mortalities occurred during periods of low temperature and low rainfall, and these factors are likely to affect forage quality. Fewer mortalities occurred when rain was falling. A greater number of mortalities occurred during the waning gibbous phase of the lunar cycle. Significantly more road mortalities occurred a short distance from the end of a section of street lights. The findings suggest that illumination influences the likelihood of kangaroo road mortalities. Large herbivores are particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation because they need unrestricted access to large continuous habitat. Knowledge of factors that influence where and when kangaroos are most likely to cross roads can be used to inform more targeted management strategies and improve future road design and habitat connectivity to reduce the incidence of wildlife vehicle collisions.



道路对野生生物具有重要的生态影响。车辆碰撞最常影响大型草食动物,因为与较小的动物相比它们的居所范围更大,而与食肉动物相比则具有较高的种群密度。袋鼠(Macropus spp。)在澳大利亚西北部发生的野生生物车辆碰撞中占很大比例。我们旨在评估在温带农村/郊区的东部灰袋鼠(Macropus giganteus)道路死亡率的影响因素。在整个2014年和2015年期间,记录了在新南威尔士州里士满的两条1公里长的道路上或附近发现的道路杀死袋鼠的位置。记录了每种道路杀死袋鼠的日期的天气和月相数据。在两条道路上都设置了样条线,并具有多种道路和景观特征,包括路边的宽度,围栏构造,栖息地类型,与路灯之间的距离,间隔为50 m。分析数据以探究哪些景观特征和时间因素影响道路杀伤性热点的发生。在低温和低降雨时期,袋鼠道路死亡人数增加,这些因素很可能影响草料质量。雨落时发生的死亡人数减少。在月球周期逐渐减少的隆起阶段发生了更多的死亡。距离路灯一段尽头不远的地方,道路死亡人数明显增加。研究结果表明,光照会影响袋鼠死亡的可能性。大型草食动物对生境破碎化特别敏感,因为它们需要不受限制地进入大型连续生境。