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Attraction of Triatoma infestans (Klug) to adhesive yeast-baited trap under laboratory conditions
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s42690-019-00071-0
Miriam Cardozo , Federico Gastón Fiad , Liliana Beatriz Crocco , David Eladio Gorla

Existing methods to detect domestic triatomines have low sensitivity. As early house infestation detection is epidemiologically important, the exploration of better methods is required. Hence, we measured the attractiveness of a yeast-baited trap to adults and nymphs of Triatoma infestans , under laboratory conditions. The assays were conducted in an experimental arena, with an experimental and a control traps placed at opposite sides and one refuge in the center area. Insects were released and the number of triatomines in the yeast and control traps were counted, after 3, 6 and 24 h of the beginning of the experiment. We used generalized linear models within a multimodel inference approach to model the number of insects in the trap, using insect age classes, time after assay initiation and date of the experiment as predictors. Our results show that the attraction to CO 2 depends upon the life stage of the insects. During the 24 h of experiment a constant number of adults (3.5; 95% CI [3.0; 4.1]) were attracted to the yeast trap, while nymphs show attraction only up to the first three hours after the initiation of CO 2 liberation (2.7; 95% CI [2.0; 3.5]). Undoubtedly, the orientation response to chemical cues deserves further studies to be fully understood.


在实验室条件下将 Triatoma infestans (Klug) 吸引到粘性酵母诱饵陷阱

现有检测国产三聚氰胺的方法灵敏度不高。由于早期房屋侵染检测在流行病学上很重要,因此需要探索更好的方法。因此,我们在实验室条件下测量了酵母诱饵陷阱对 Triatoma infestans 成虫和若虫的吸引力。试验是在一个实验场进行的,实验和控制陷阱放置在相对的两侧,一个避难所位于中心区域。在实验开始的 3、6 和 24 小时后,释放昆虫并计算酵母和对照诱捕器中的三聚氰胺数量。我们在多模型推理方法中使用广义线性模型对陷阱中的昆虫数量进行建模,使用昆虫年龄类别、测定开始后的时间和实验日期作为预测因子。我们的结果表明,对 CO 2 的吸引力取决于昆虫的生命阶段。在实验的 24 小时内,恒定数量的成虫 (3.5;95% CI [3.0;4.1]) 被酵母诱捕器吸引,而若虫仅在 CO 2 释放开始后的前三个小时表现出吸引力 (2.7 ; 95% CI [2.0; 3.5])。毫无疑问,对化学线索的定向反应值得进一步研究以充分了解。