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Achieving convergence in galaxy formation models by augmenting N-body merger trees
Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology Pub Date : 2016-08-22 , DOI: 10.1186/s40668-016-0016-3
Andrew J Benson , Chris Cannella , Shaun Cole

Accurate modeling of galaxy formation in a hierarchical, cold dark matter universe requires the use of sufficiently high-resolution merger trees to obtain convergence in the predicted properties of galaxies. When semi-analytic galaxy formation models are applied to cosmological N-body simulation merger trees, it is often the case that those trees have insufficient resolution to give converged galaxy properties. We demonstrate a method to augment the resolution of N-body merger trees by grafting in branches of Monte Carlo merger trees with higher resolution, but which are consistent with the pre-existing branches in the N-body tree. We show that this approach leads to converged galaxy properties.


