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Rhynchospora belizensis (Cyperaceae), a new species of Rhynchospora sect. Tenues from Belize
Brittonia ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s12228-019-09597-6
Robert F. C. Naczi , Pedro J. S. Silva Filho , Mark T. Strong , Wm. Wayt Thomas

The new species, Rhynchospora belizensis, is described, illustrated, and compared with phylogenetically closely related and morphologically similar species. Rhynchospora belizensis is known only from southern Belize, where it inhabits sunny, very wet, nutrient-poor, peaty ground of graminoid-dominated, gently sloping hillside seepages. It is unique in its combination of great height, aristate scales, achenes with relatively long stipes, and relatively low and faint transverse ridges on the faces. Vulnerable status appears warranted for R. belizensis because only two populations and fewer than 500 individuals are known, all within a small geographic area. DNA sequence data from the plastid marker trnL-trnF and nuclear markers ETS and ITS diagnose a clade of R. belizensis, its sister R. emaciata, and R. junciformis and R. saxisavannicola. Rhynchospora belizensis is the only member of this clade occurring in Central America; all the others are endemic to South America.


Rhynchospora belizensis (Cyperaceae),Rynchospora 科的一个新种。来自伯利兹的租约

对新种 Rhynchospora belizensis 进行了描述、说明,并与系统发育密切相关且形态相似的物种进行了比较。Rhynchospora belizensis 仅在伯利兹南部已知,在那里它栖息在阳光充足、非常潮湿、营养贫乏、以禾本科植物为主、缓坡的山坡渗流的泥炭地上。它的独特之处在于它结合了高大的鳞片,具有较长柄的瘦果,以及面部相对低而微弱的横脊。R. belizensis 处于脆弱状态似乎是有道理的,因为已知的只有两个种群和不到 500 只个体,而且都在一个很小的地理区域内。来自质体标记物 trnL-trnF 和核标记物 ETS 和 ITS 的 DNA 序列数据诊断出伯利兹河豚、其姐妹 R. emaciata 以及 R. junciformis 和 R. saxisavannicola 的一个进化枝。Rhynchospora belizensis 是这个分支的唯一成员,出现在中美洲;所有其他的都是南美洲特有的。