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Optimization of Mechanical Properties and Bioactivity of Composite Matrices Based on Chitosan and Chitin Nanofibril for Tissue Engineering
Cell and Tissue Biology Pub Date : 2019-10-16 , DOI: 10.1134/s1990519x19050067
N. V. Smirnova , K. A. Kolbe , E. N. Dresvyanina , I. P. Dobrovolskaya , V. E. Yudin


This paper discusses the mechanical properties of chitosan-based film matrices, as well as optimization of these properties by adding chitin nanofibrils. It has been shown that the filler addition stabilizes the mechanical properties of the composite material. By changing the concentration of chitin nanofibrils, it is possible to obtain matrices with different bioactive properties for cultured human dermal fibroblasts. The optimal balance of mechanical properties and bioactivity in relation to the culture of human dermal fibroblasts is possessed by film matrices based on chitosan nanocomposite with the addition of 5% chitin nanofibrils. Film matrices based on chitosan nanocomposite with the addition of 5% chitin nanofibrils provide the optimal balance of mechanical properties and bioactivity for cultured human dermal fibroblasts.



