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Highly fluorescing solid DNA-cationic polyelectrolyte complexes prepared from a natural DNA and a poly(fluorenevinylene-alt-phenylene) bearing quaternary ammonium pendants
Macromolecular Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2009 , DOI: 10.1007/bf03218687
Young-Jun Yu , Young-Wan Kwon , Kyu-Nam Kim , Eui-Doo Do , Dong-Hoon Choi , Jung-Il Jin , Hee-Won Shin , Yong-Rok Kim , Ik Joong Kang , John A. Mikroyannidis

A fluorescing, copolymer (Q)-bearing, quaternary ammonium pendant was mixed with excess natural salmon sperm DNA with a molecular weight of 1.3×106 (2,000 base pairs) to afford highly fluorescing, complex mixtures. The fluorescence life-time of the polymer Q was greatly increased when mixed with DNA: for the mixture of Q:DNA=1:750 the fast and slow decay lifetimes increased from ca. 10 to 100 ps and from 20 ps to ca. 1 ns, respectively. The enhanced fluorescence of the mixtures was ascribed to efficient compartmentalization and reduced conformational relaxation of the polymer Q by complexation with excess DNA.



将带有发荧光,共聚物(Q)的季铵盐侧链与分子量为1.3×10 6(2,000个碱基对)的过量天然鲑鱼精DNA混合,以提供具有高度发荧光的复杂混合物。当与DNA混合时,聚合物Q的荧光寿命大大增加:对于Q:DNA = 1:750的混合物,快和慢衰变寿命从大约5%开始增加。10至100 ps和20 ps至ca. 分别为1 ns。混合物增强的荧光归因于通过与过量DNA复合而有效的分隔和降低了聚合物Q的构象松弛。