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A Specific Nongravitational Effect and Asteroid Spin Parameters
Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-27 , DOI: 10.3103/s0884591319040032
A. M. Kazantsev , L. V. Kazantseva

Abstract—Additional arguments for the existence of a specific nongravitational effect (NGE) in the asteroid belt, which was discovered more than 10 years ago, are presented. Under the influence of this NGE, the semimajor axes of orbits of low-albedo asteroids increase gradually relative to the semimajor axes of orbits of asteroids with higher albedos. This is confirmed by the albedo–semimajor axis distributions for separate asteroid families. The variation of semimajor axes of orbits for main-belt asteroids induced by the NGE (da) is as large as 10–6 AU in 10 years. The physical mechanism of the NGE is similar to the cometary one. Therefore, the sign of the da values should depend on the direction of the asteroids’s axial rotation, and absolute values |da| should depend on spin period P. Such a relationship between da and P is also typical of the Yarkovsky effect, but it is 3–4 orders of magnitude weaker than the NGE. The number of asteroids with precisely determined spin directions is very small at the present moment. Therefore, the data on asteroids' spin periods were used to verify the NGE’s existence. More than 12 000 main-belt asteroids with known spin periods were selected from the MPC database. The evolution of orbits of these asteroids within the interval from 2005 to 2016 was calculated numerically, and the corresponding da values were determined. The |da|(P) dependences were plotted and analyzed. The agreement between these dependences and theoretical ones is better than 2σ. The significance of the |da|(P) dependence for asteroids with more accurate spin periods is higher, although such bodies constitute less than half of the total sample. Arguably, the obtained result is another confirmation of the NGE’s existence.



摘要—提出了在10多年前发现的小行星带中存在特定非引力效应(NGE)的其他论点。在该NGE的影响下,低反照率小行星的半长轨道相对于高反照率小行星的半长轨道逐渐增加。单独的小行星家族的反照率-半长轴分布证实了这一点。NGE(da)引起的主带小行星的半长轨轨道变化在10年内最大为10 –6 AU。NGE的物理机制与彗星类似。因此,da的标志值应取决于小行星的轴向旋转方向,并且绝对值| da | 应该依赖于自旋周期PdaP之间的这种关系也是Yarkovsky效应的典型特征,但它比NGE弱3-4个数量级。目前,精确确定旋转方向的小行星数量非常少。因此,小行星自旋周期的数据被用来验证NGE的存在。从MPC数据库中选择了超过12 000个旋转周期已知的主带小行星。数值计算了这些小行星在2005年至2016年之间的轨道演变,并确定了相应的da值。|da |(P)依赖性被绘制和分析。这些依赖性和理论依赖性之间的一致性优于2σ。|的意义 尽管精确的自旋周期的小行星的da |(P)依赖性更高,但此类小体占不到总样本的一半。可以说,获得的结果是对NGE存在的另一确认。