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Role of the built environment on trip-chaining behavior: an investigation of workers and non-workers in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Transportation ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s11116-018-9914-3
Tufayel Chowdhury , Darren M. Scott

This study examines the influence of the built environment on trip-chaining behavior. Based on weekday travel in the Halifax Regional Municipality, we develop four separate models of tour complexity, each corresponding to a specific type of tour. The average number of trips per tour is regressed against built environment characteristics while household, personal, and tour-specific characteristics and residential self-selection are controlled. We apply ordinary least squares regression and spatial lag models and use a comprehensive set of density, diversity, design, and accessibility metrics near home and workplace. The results indicate that higher accessibility and mixed land-use is associated with simpler home-based, non-work tours. Workers residing away from opportunities make complex tours near workplaces located in high accessibility areas. Auto users make more complex tours. Also, most workers make complex commute tours compared to home-based or work-based non-work tours. In general, individuals compensate for the poor accessibility of residential locations by making complex tours, relying on auto, and chaining non-work trips with commuting. The significant role of attitudinal variables is also observed, thus revealing the presence of residential self-selection in trip-chaining behavior.


