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Pedestrian segmentation based on a spatio-temporally consistent graph-cut with optimal transport
IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications Pub Date : 2019-11-29 , DOI: 10.1186/s41074-019-0062-2
Yang Yu , Yasushi Makihara , Yasushi Yagi

We address a method of pedestrian segmentation in a video in a spatio-temporally consistent way. For this purpose, given a bounding box sequence of each pedestrian obtained by a conventional pedestrian detector and tracker, we construct a spatio-temporal graph on a video and segment each pedestrian on the basis of a well-established graph-cut segmentation framework. More specifically, we consider three terms as an energy function for the graph-cut segmentation: (1) a data term, (2) a spatial pairwise term, and (3) a temporal pairwise term. To maintain better temporal consistency of segmentation even under relatively large motions, we introduce a transportation minimization framework that provides a temporal correspondence. Moreover, we introduce the edge-sticky superpixel to maintain the spatial consistency of object boundaries. In experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed method improves segmentation accuracy indices, such as the average and weighted intersection of union on TUD datasets and the PETS2009 dataset at both the instance level and semantic level.


