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Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS), ITS and cpDNA phylogenies reveal the existence of a distinct Pyrenean/Cantabrian lineage in the European high mountain genus Homogyne (Asteraceae) and imply dual westward migration of the genus
Alpine Botany ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s00035-018-0212-7
Michael A. Gerschwitz-Eidt , Joachim W. Kadereit

Quaternary climatic oscillations have been a major factor in shaping plant diversity and distribution in the European Alpine System (EAS). Plants responded to these oscillations with repeated changes in their abundance and geographical distribution. However, oscillating shifts in geographical distribution have only rarely been reported in molecular analyses of genetic variation across the EAS. Homogyne, a genus endemic to the EAS, contains three species. While H. discolor and H. sylvestris are confined to the periphery of the Eastern Alps, H. alpina is widespread across the EAS. In phylogenetic reconstructions of a broad sample of Homogyne using DNA sequence data sets of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS), plastid DNA (ndhF-rpl32, rpl32-trnL, psbA-trnH) and genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS), accessions of H. alpina from the Pyrenees and the Cantabrian Mts. form a clade which groups in conflicting positions. While the exact relationship of this Pyrenean/Cantabrian clade of H. alpina remains unclear, our data clearly imply that this clade is a lineage distinct from the remaining accessions of H. alpina (H. alpina s.str.). An ancestral area analysis unambiguously revealed the Eastern Alps as the ancestral area of the genus. Considering that relationships within H. alpina s.str. clearly illustrate East to West expansion, the identification of a Pyrenean/Cantabrian clade implies that westward expansion from an ancestral area in the Eastern Alps took place twice in the genus. Although the extant distributions of the Pyrenean/Cantabrian clade and H. alpina s.str. are mutually exclusive, plastid DNA evidence may imply past contact and hybridization between the two clades.



第四纪气候振荡是影响欧洲高山系统(EAS)植物多样性和分布的主要因素。植物对这些振荡的响应是其丰度和地理分布的反复变化。但是,在整个EAS的遗传变异的分子分析中,极少报道地理分布的振荡变化。同源基因是EAS的特有种,包含三种。当变色嗜血杆菌樟子松被限制在东阿尔卑斯山的外围时,阿尔卑斯山楂却在整个EAS中广泛分布。在系统发育重建中的大量系样本使用核糖体内转录间隔区的DNA序列数据集(ITS),质体DNA(ndhF-RPL32,RPL 32 trnL的psbA启动- trnH序列)和基因分型的分测序(GBS),的种质H.霉从比利牛斯和坎塔布连山。形成一个相互冲突的阵营。虽然这种比利牛斯/坎塔布连枝的确切关系H.高山仍不清楚,我们的数据清楚地暗示,这个分支是从剩余种质不同谱系H.高山H.高山s.str)。祖先区域分析清楚地表明东阿尔卑斯山是该属的祖先区域。考虑到内部的关系H.高山s.str。清楚地说明了东向西扩张,比利牛斯山脉/坎塔布连部落的识别表明,东阿尔卑斯山祖先地区向西扩张发生了两次。虽然比利牛斯山脉/坎塔布连山脉和H. alpina s.str的现存分布。由于互斥,质体DNA证据可能暗示两个进化枝之间的接触和杂交。