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Structural setting of Fimiston- and Oroya-style pyrite-telluride-gold lodes, Paringa South mine, Golden Mile, Kalgoorlie: 1. Shear zone systems, porphyry dykes and deposit-scale alteration zones
Mineralium Deposita ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s00126-017-0747-3
Andreas G. Mueller

The Golden Mile in the 2.7 Ga Eastern Goldfields Province of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, has produced 385 million tonnes of ore at a head grade of 5.23 g/t gold (1893–2016). Gold-pyrite ore bodies (Fimiston Lodes) trace kilometre-scale shear zone systems centred on the D2 Golden Mile Fault, one of three northwest striking sinistral strike-slip faults segmenting upright D1 folds. The Fimiston shear zones formed as D2a Riedel systems in greenschist-facies (actinolite-albite) tholeiitic rocks, the 700-m-thick Golden Mile Dolerite (GMD) sill and the Paringa Basalt (PB), during left-lateral displacement of up to 12 km on the D2 master faults. Pre-mineralisation granodiorite dykes were emplaced into the D2 shear zones at 2674 ± 6 Ma, and syn-mineralisation diorite porphyries at 2663 ± 11 Ma. The widespread infiltration of hydrothermal fluid generated chlorite-calcite and muscovite-ankerite alteration in the Golden Mile, and paragonite-ankerite-chloritoid alteration southeast of the deposit. Fluid infiltration reactivated the D2 shear zones causing post-porphyry displacement of up to 30 m at principal Fimiston Lodes moving the southwest block down and southeast along lines pitching 20°SE. D3 reverse faulting at the southwest dipping GMD-PB contact of the D1 Kalgoorlie Anticline formed the 1.3-km-long Oroya Shoot during late gold-telluride mineralisation. Syn-mineralisation D3a reverse faulting alternated with periods of sinistral strike-slip (D2c) until ENE-WSW shortening prevailed and was accommodated by barren D3b thrusts. North-striking D4 strike-slip faults of up to 2 km dextral displacement crosscut the Fimiston Lodes and the barren thrusts, and control gold-pyrite quartz vein ore at Mt. Charlotte (2651 ± 9 Ma).


Fimiston 和 Oroya 型黄铁矿-碲化物-金矿脉的构造背景,Paringa South 矿,Golden Mile,Kalgoorlie: 1. 剪切带系统、斑岩岩脉和矿床规模蚀变带

位于西澳大利亚 Yilgarn Craton 东部 2.7 Ga 金矿区的 Golden Mile 已生产了 3.85 亿吨矿石,黄金品位为 5.23 克/吨(1893-2016 年)。金黄铁矿体 (Fimiston Lodes) 以 D2 Golden Mile 断层为中心的微量公里级剪切带系统,该断层是划分直立 D1 褶皱的三个西北显着左旋走滑断层之一。Fimiston 剪切带在绿片岩相(阳起石-钠长石)拉斑岩、700 米厚的 Golden Mile Dolerite (GMD) 窗台和 Paringa Basalt (PB) 中形成为 D2a Riedel 系统,在左移过程中高达12 公里上 D2 主故障。预成矿花岗闪长岩脉在 2674±6 Ma 被安置在 D2 剪切带中,在 2663±11 Ma 被同矿化闪长岩斑岩安置。热液的广泛渗透在金域产生了绿泥石-方解石和白云母-铁橄榄石蚀变,以及矿床东南部的紫锂长石-铁橄榄石-绿泥石蚀变。流体入渗重新激活了 D2 剪切带,导致主要 Fimiston Lodes 的后斑岩位移达 30 m,沿着倾斜 20°SE 的线向下和向东南移动西南区块。D1 卡尔古利背斜西南倾角 GMD-PB 接触面的 D3 逆断层在晚金碲化物矿化过程中形成了 1.3 公里长的 Oroya Shoot。同矿化 D3a 反向断层与左旋走滑 (D2c) 周期交替,直到 ENE-WSW 缩短占主导地位并被贫瘠的 D3b 逆冲力所适应。右向位移达 2 公里的北向 D4 走滑断层横切了 Fimiston Lodes 和贫瘠的逆冲断层,控制了 Mt. 的金黄铁矿石英脉矿。夏洛特 (2651 ± 9 Ma)。