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The Relationship of the Relative Abundance of Masses of Granites and Rhyolites in the Earth’s Crust with the Patterns of the Rheology of the Granitic Magmas
Petrology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-17 , DOI: 10.1134/s0869591119050047
E. S. Persikov


Many years ago, V. S. Sobolev suggested that the reason for the relative prevalence of intrusive and effusive rock masses in the earth’s crust lies in the patterns of viscosity of water-bearing magmas in a variable field of temperatures and pressures. Alas, in those years it was not possible to solve this problem on a quantitative physical-chemical basis, since experimental and theoretical studies of the viscosity of such melts at high pressures were just beginning. In the present work, new patterns of the viscosity of near-liquid water-bearing acidic magmas in a wide range of thermodynamic parameters and depths of the Earth’s crust (1–30 km) are established using the structural-chemical model of reliable and correct predictions and calculations of the viscosity of magmas of virtually any composition. It determined that these patterns really are a quantitative physical-chemical basis explaining the reason for the relative distribution of masses of intrusive and effusive rocks of acidic composition in the earth’s crust.




许多年前,VS Sobolev提出,地壳中侵入性和喷发性岩体相对盛行的原因在于在温度和压力变化的情况下含水岩浆的黏度模式。las,在那些年里,不可能在定量的物理化学基础上解决这个问题,因为关于这种熔体在高压下的粘度的实验和理论研究才刚刚开始。在目前的工作中,使用可靠且正确的结构化学模型,建立了在广泛的热力学参数和地壳深度(1–30 km)内,近液态含水酸性岩浆粘度的新模式。几乎所有成分的岩浆粘度的预测和计算。