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Mesozoic and Early Cenozoic Paleoecological Events in the Sedimentary Record of the NE Peri-Tethys and Adjacent Areas: An Overview
Lithology and Mineral Resources ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-03 , DOI: 10.1134/s0024490219060099
Yu. O. Gavrilov , E. A. Shcherbinina , G. N. Aleksandrova


Manifestations of short-term global and subglobal events have been recognized in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary record of the North Caucasus: Paleocene/Eocene boundary PETM, late Cenomanian (OAE2), late Albian (OAE1c and OAE1d), terminal Aptian–early Albian (OAE1b), early Aptian (OAE1a), late Hauterivian (Faraoni), late Valanginian (Weissert), early Toarcian, late Pliensbachian, and others. The similarities and differences of their sedimentological, geochemical, and paleoecological characteristics were revealed during complex studies. Some events are characterized by both negative and positive carbon and oxygen isotopic anomalies. It was shown that most part of the paleoecological events occurred during the sharp sea-level fluctuations and was frequently accompanied by the accumulation of sediments variably enriched in organic matter (OM). The events were characterized by different-scale turnovers in the microbiota composition. Changes in microfossil assemblages allowed us to estimate the degree of perturbation of the trophic level of basins in response to the terrestrial influx of nutrients during marine transgression.




在北高加索地区的中,新生代沉积记录中已经认识到了短期全球和亚全球事件的表现:古新世/始新世边界PETM,晚新生代(OAE2),阿尔比亚晚期(OAE1c和OAE1d),阿普提安早期阿尔本( OAE1b),早期Aptian(OAE1a),晚期Hauterivian(Faraoni),晚期Valanginian(Weissert),早期Toarcian,晚期Pliensbachian等。在复杂的研究中揭示了它们的沉积学,地球化学和古生态特征的异同。某些事件的特征是碳同位素和氧同位素的正负异常。研究表明,大部分的古生态事件发生在海平面剧烈波动期间,并经常伴随着沉积物的积累,这些沉积物的有机质含量各不相同。这些事件的特征在于微生物群组成的不同尺度的更新。微化石组合的变化使我们能够估计海侵期间陆地营养物涌入对盆地营养水平的扰动程度。