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The Impacts of Pollution for New High-Speed Railways: the Case of Noise in Turkey
Acoustics Australia ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s40857-019-00154-5
Yasin Sarikavak , Alistair Boxall

In recent years, high-speed train operations have been increasing, yet their environmental impact is still not well researched and understood. Evaluation of the impacts of Turkey’s new high-speed train lines from the perspectives of noise, vibration and socio-economic issues is important to secure sustainable development in the sector. National and international regulations are important to enable environmentally friendly railway systems to be secured. In this study, national and international regulations for the control of noise from conventional and high-speed train operations are reviewed and used to estimate distances which should not be exceeded for the Turkish high-speed train system. Calculated distances for EU and Turkish systems for noise threshold values of 87 dB (A) pass-by noise (LpAeq,Tp—measured 25 m distance from the centreline of the track and 3.5 m above the rail head), 65, 60 and 55 dB (A) (LpAeq, day; LpAeq, evening and LpAeq, night, the A-weighted average sound level for the specified time periods, at the most affected residential area, 4 ± 0.2 m above the ground) were 28, 160, 272 and 469 m from the centreline of the track, respectively. These threshold distances were defined as a buffer zone in a railway map of Turkey in ArcGIS v.10.2.1 and merged with the Turkey population map to determine the population numbers which would be subjected to exposure above the threshold limits. Calculations conducted for highly populated cities showed that 2325, 22,839 and 3184 people would be exposed to railway noise exceeding the EU 96/48/EC Directive threshold limit 87 dB (A) for Ankara, İstanbul and İzmir, respectively. When calculations were repeated for the Turkey regulation threshold limits 65, 60 and 55 dB (A), these numbers were 10,767, 19,298, 35,951 for Ankara; 125,033, 210,360, 357,041 for İstanbul and 17,340, 29,026, 49,318 for İzmir, respectively. The data indicate that some noise mitigation is required to protect human health in Turkey and potential mitigation strategies are discussed.



近年来,高速列车的运行一直在增加,但是对环境的影响仍然没有得到很好的研究和理解。从噪声,振动和社会经济问题的角度评估土耳其新的高速铁路线的影响,对于确保该部门的可持续发展至关重要。国家和国际法规对于确保环保铁路系统至关重要。在这项研究中,对控制常规和高速火车运行噪音的国家和国际法规进行了审查,并用于估算土耳其高速火车系统不应超过的距离。欧盟和土耳其系统的传声阈值87 dB(A)的计算距离(L pAeq,Tp—与轨道中心线的距离为25 m,在轨头上方3.5 m,65、60和55 dB(A)(L pAeq,白天L pAeq,晚上L pAeq,晚上),在指定时间段内,在受影响最严重的居民区(距离地面4±0.2 m),A加权平均声级分别距轨道中心线28、160、272和469 m。这些阈值距离在ArcGIS v.10.2.1中的土耳其铁路地图中被定义为缓冲区,并与土耳其人口图合并以确定在阈值限制以上将暴露的人口数量。针对人口稠密的城市进行的计算显示,分别有2325、22,839和3184人暴露于铁路噪声中,分别超过安卡拉,伊斯坦布尔和伊兹密尔的欧盟96/48 / EC指令阈值限制87 dB(A)。当对土耳其法规阈值极限65、60和55 dB(A)进行重复计算时,安卡拉的这些数字分别是10,767、19,298、35,951;125,033、210,360,伊斯坦布尔为357,041,伊兹密尔为17,340、29,026、49,318。数据表明,为保护土耳其的人类健康,需要采取一些缓解噪音措施,并讨论了潜在的缓解噪音策略。