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Paleoseismicity of Adyr Faults: The Kokonadyr–Tegerek Fault, Southwestern Issyk-Kul Region, the Tien Shan
Journal of Volcanology and Seismology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-23 , DOI: 10.1134/s0742046319050026
A. M. Korzhenkov , S. V. Abdieva , A. S. Gladkov , E. V. Deev , J. Liu , J. V. Mazeika , E. A. Rogozhin , M. V. Rodkin , A. A. Sorokin , I. V. Turova , A. B. Fortuna


We have studied paleoseismicity along the adyr (piedmont) Kokonadyr–Tegerek fault zone in the SW Issyk-Kul region. We have shown that although earthquake slip continues in the tectonic contact zone between the Paleozoic rocks of the Kokonadyr–Tegerek uplift and the Quaternary deposits of the Alabash–Konuroleng trough, still most earthquake-generating ruptures visible at the surface are moving for some hundreds of meters southward from the abovementioned adyr fault. This process leads to the formation of multislip earthquake scarps and compensation grabens behind them. Radiocarbon dating identified four large Holocene earthquakes along the Kokonadyr–Tegerek fault zone that occurred during the following time spans: 1771‒1785, 1440‒1515, as well as probably 2310–745 B.C. and 6400–5300 B.C. Judging from the parameters of these ruptures, or earthquake scarps, their magnitudes were greater than or equal to 7 and the intensity of shaking was Io ≥ IX. Vigorous seismic activity has gone on along the Kokonadyr–Tegerek fault zone since at least the Middle Quaternary. The relevant evidence includes uplifted and abandoned valleys of this age in the eponymous uplift and considerable accumulations of lacustrine deposits in the northern Alabash–Konuroleng depression. The thick sedimentary sequence was caused by glacier melting on the northern slope of the Terskei Ala-Too mountain range, while the abandoned valleys indicate considerable tectonic damming. The most suitable model to explain the formation of adyrs (piedmont areas or foothills) in the southern Issyk-Kul basin seems to be a model that envisages a low-angle northward propogating or southward dipping main fault that is complicated with reverse movements. All the materials acquired in this study can be used to develop a new Earthquake Hazard Map for the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.




我们已经研究了西南伊塞克库尔地区的阿迪尔(山前)科科纳代尔-特格列克断裂带的古地震活动。我们已经表明,尽管在科科纳德-特格里克隆起的古生代岩石与阿拉巴什-科努罗林槽的第四纪沉积之间的构造接触带中继续发生地震滑移,但在表面可见的大多数地震破裂仍在移动。从上述adyr断层向南数米。此过程导致形成多滑地震陡峭带,并在其后产生补偿。放射性碳测年确定了在以下时间段内发生的科科纳代尔-特格列克断裂带沿线的四次全新世大地震:17717851785、1440‒1515以及大概2310-745 BC和6400-5300 BC。 ,o≥IX。至少从第四纪中期以来,Kokonadyr-Tegerek断裂带一直在进行剧烈的地震活动。相关的证据包括在同名隆起中该年龄的隆起和废弃的山谷,以及北部阿拉巴什-库努罗伦depression陷的湖相沉积物的大量堆积。厚厚的沉积序列是由Terskei Ala-Too山脉北坡上的冰川融化引起的,而废弃的山谷则表明有大量的构造堰塞。解释伊塞克库尔盆地南部亚得里亚(山麓地区或山麓地区)形成的最合适模型似乎是一个模型,该模型设想了一个低角度的向北传播或向南倾斜的主断层,并伴有反向运动。