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A cellular automata based approach to track salient objects in videos
Natural Computing ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s11047-019-09766-2
Luca Crociani , Giuseppe Vizzari , Antonio Carrieri , Stefania Bandini

In this paper we present an algorithm to track the motion of a salient object using Cellular Automata (CA). The overall work, taking inspiration from recent research on insect sensory motor system, investigates the application of non conventional computer vision approaches to evaluate their effectiveness in fulfilling this task. The proposed system employs the Sobel operator to individual frames, performing further elaborations through a CA, with the aim of detecting and characterizing moving entities within the field of view to support collision avoidance from the perspective of the viewer. The paper formally describes the adopted approach as well as its experimentation videos representing plausible situations.


