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Biological Preparations for the Protection of Agricultural Plants (Review)
Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-05 , DOI: 10.1134/s0003683819080027
R. R. Azizbekyan


The protection of plants from diseases caused by various pathogens is an economically and socially important problem; the losses in crop production constitute 20% of the harvest in different parts of the world. The use of chemical pesticides is the main method of plant protection. However, chemical preparations have a number of serious disadvantages. Biologicals for plant protection (BPP) are currently being developed more intensely. The world biggest chemical companies, BASF, Bayer and Syngenta, show great interest in the market for preparations of biological control. The data on markets of biologicals for the protection of agricultural plants in various parts of the world (North America, Europe, China, Latin America and Russia) are presented. According to expert data, the biological markets in these areas (with the exception of Russia) will exceed $1 billion by 2025. In Russia, only 0.3% of agricultural land is treated with biological products. The review contains data on the use of biofungicides obtained at GosNIIgenetika for the protection of wheat, potato, and vegetable crops. A high efficiency of the biofungicides has been demonstrated.