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Existence and Uniqueness to a Fully Nonlinear Version of the Loewner–Nirenberg Problem
Communications in Mathematics and Statistics ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s40304-018-0150-0
María del Mar González , YanYan Li , Luc Nguyen

We consider the problem of finding on a given Euclidean domain \(\Omega \) of dimension \(n \ge 3\) a complete conformally flat metric whose Schouten curvature A satisfies some equations of the form \(f(\lambda (-A)) = 1\). This generalizes a problem considered by Loewner and Nirenberg for the scalar curvature. We prove the existence and uniqueness of such metric when the boundary \(\partial \Omega \) is a smooth bounded hypersurface (of codimension one). When \(\partial \Omega \) contains a compact smooth submanifold \(\Sigma \) of higher codimension with \(\partial \Omega {\setminus }\Sigma \) being compact, we also give a ‘sharp’ condition for the divergence to infinity of the conformal factor near \(\Sigma \) in terms of the codimension.



我们考虑在给定的尺寸\(n \ ge 3 \)的欧几里得域\(\ Omega \)上找到一个完整的保形平坦度量的问题,其Schouten曲率A满足一些形式为\(f(\ lambda(- A))= 1 \)。这概括了Loewner和Nirenberg考虑的标量曲率问题。当边界\(\ partial \ Omega \)是光滑的有界超曲面(维数为一)时,我们证明了这种度量的存在性和唯一性。当\(\ partial \ Omega \)包含具有更高维数的紧致光滑子流形\(\ Sigma \)\(\ partial \ Omega {\ setminus} \ Sigma \)如果是紧实的,我们还给出了一个“尖锐”的条件,即就余维而言,在\(\ Sigma \)附近的保形因子发散到无穷大。