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Assessment of spatial distribution of enset plant diversity and enset bacteria wilt using geostatistical techniques in Yem special district, Southern Ethiopia
Environmental Systems Research Pub Date : 2018-11-21 , DOI: 10.1186/s40068-018-0126-9
Ambachew Zerfu , Sintayehu Legesse Gebre , Gezahegn Berecha , Kefelegn Getahun

BackgroundEnsete plant (Enset ventricosum) is a monocarpic perennial crop, found under genus Ensete. It is mainly known and planted by farmers as a drought resistant crop and staple food in the rural community of southern Ethiopia. Large numbers of enset clones are growing in a wide range of altitude. Currently, enset plant diversity and production has been endangered by devastated enset bacterial wilt disease (EBW) which is caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum. The study aimed at to assess the spatial distribution of enset clone richness and diversity, and enset bacterial wilt disease in Yem special district of southern Ethiopia using ArcGIS geostatistical (Kriging) techniques.ResultsThe highest diversity was recorded in Semu Awash kebele with Shannon index of 3.38 and the lowest was in Nuba kebele an index of 2.56. The Sorenson similarity/variation indices showed that Gurmina Hangeri/Meleka and Ediya/Gurmina Hangeri each pairs of kebeles share 18 clones with index value of 0.81 and 0.67, respectively. While lowest share recorded between Laignaw (upper) Kesheli and Tachignaw (lower) Kesheli kebeles with Sorenson indices of 0.16 (only five clones in common recorded). Enset bacterial wilt disease is distributed in all sampled kebeles in varying ranges. The rate of disease prevalence, incidence and severity lies between ranges of 75–100%, 46.8–88.9%, and 36.1–81.4%, respectively. Semu Awasho and Laignaw Kesheli kebeles scored 100% prevalence while in Shemona Metelo kebele it is scored 75%.ConclusionsTherefore, the analyzed results indicate that it is necessary to compact EBW distribution and to conserve enset richness and diversity in the district for the sake of enhancing food security of farmers at household level in Yem special district. Otherwise, in the longer run the food security and enset plant species would be endanger and it may have significant impact on socio-economic development of the rural community. This study considered limited bio-physical factors for EBW analysis, we recommend in further research in the future should be conducted including other socio-biophysical factors.


使用地质统计技术评估埃塞俄比亚南部耶姆特区的 enset 植物多样性和 enset 细菌枯萎病的空间分布

背景Ensete 植物(Enset ventricosum)是一种多年生单果作物,属于Ensete 属。在埃塞俄比亚南部的农村社区,它主要被农民称为抗旱作物和主食。大量的 enset 克隆正在广泛的海拔范围内生长。目前,由野油菜黄单胞菌引起的被破坏的 enset 青枯病 (EBW) 已危及 enset 植物的多样性和生产。musacearum。本研究旨在利用ArcGIS地统计(克里金)技术评估埃塞俄比亚南部Yem特区的enset克隆丰富度和多样性以及enset青枯病的空间分布。 结果Semu Awash kebele记录的多样性最高,香农指数为3.38最低的是 Nuba kebele,指数为 2.56。Sorenson相似性/变异指数显示,Gurmina Hangeri/Meleka和Ediya/Gurmina Hangeri每对kebeles共有18个克隆,指数值分别为0.81和0.67。Laignaw(上)Kesheli 和 Tachignaw(下)Kesheli kebeles 记录的份额最低,Sorenson 指数为 0.16(仅记录了五个共同克隆)。Enset青枯病分布在不同范围的所有采样的kebeles中。疾病流行率、发病率和严重程度分别介于 75-100%、46.8-88.9% 和 36.1-81.4% 之间。Semu Awasho 和 Laignaw Kesheli kebele 的患病率为 100%,而 Shemona Metelo kebele 的患病率为 75%。分析结果表明,为了提高叶姆特区农民家庭层面的粮食安全,有必要压缩 EBW 分布并保护该地区的丰富度和多样性。否则,从长远来看,粮食安全和植物物种将受到威胁,并可能对农村社区的社会经济发展产生重大影响。本研究考虑了有限的 EBW 分析的生物物理因素,我们建议在未来的进一步研究中应包括其他社会生物物理因素。