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Carbonyl Sulfide as a Prebiotic Activation Agent for Stereo- and Sequence-Selective, Amyloid-Templated Peptide Elongation.
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s11084-019-09586-5
Radoslaw Bomba 1 , Saroj K Rout 1 , Matthias Bütikofer 1 , Witek Kwiatkowski 1 , Roland Riek 1 , Jason Greenwald 1

Prebiotic chemical replication is a commonly assumed precursor to and prerequisite for life and as such is the one of the goals of our research. We have previously reported on the role that short peptide amyloids could have played in a template-based chemical elongation. Here we take a step closer to the goal by reproducing amyloid-templated peptide elongation with carbonyl sulfide (COS) in place of the less-prebiotically relevant carbonyldiimidazole (CDI) used in the earlier study. Our investigation shows that the sequence-selectivity and stereoselectivity of the amyloid-templated reaction is similar for both activation chemistries. Notably, the amyloid protects the peptides from some of the side-reactions that take place with the COS-activation.



生命起源前的化学复制是普遍认为的生命前体和先决条件,因此也是我们研究的目标之一。我们之前曾报道过短肽淀粉样蛋白在基于模板的化学延伸中可能发挥的作用。在这里,我们通过用羰基硫(COS)代替早期研究中使用的与益生元相关性较低的羰基二咪唑(CDI)来重现淀粉样蛋白模板肽延伸,离目标又近了一步。我们的研究表明,两种激活化学物质的淀粉样蛋白模板反应的序列选择性和立体选择性是相似的。值得注意的是,淀粉样蛋白可以保护肽免受 COS 激活时发生的一些副反应的影响。