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Case of mistaken identity: resolving the taxonomy between Trioza eugeniae Froggatt and T. adventicia Tuthill (Psylloidea: Triozidae)
Bulletin of Entomological Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-23 , DOI: 10.1017/s0007485319000695
Gary S Taylor 1 , Francesco Martoni 2

The ‘Eugenia psyllid’ or ‘Lilly pilly psyllid’, widely recognized in Australia and in the USA as Trioza eugeniae Froggatt (Hemiptera: Triozidae), is not T. eugeniae, but rather T. adventicia Tuthill. In this study we assessed morphological comparisons of materials from throughout the native and introduced ranges and re-examined original descriptions of both taxa, together with Froggatt's type specimens of T. eugeniae. Furthermore, through DNA barcoding analyses, we confirmed the validity of both T. adventicia and T. eugeniae as separate species. We re-described both species to include additional characters not previously included and designated a lectotype for T. eugeniae. T. eugeniae has smaller fore wings that are slightly more elongate. These lack infuscation around veins R and R1, vein Rs is relatively longer, meeting the costa closer to the wing apex; with certain veins bearing long, fine divergent setae, a character not previously described. It has consistently three inner and one outer metatibial spurs. The male parameres appear narrowly pyriform with a weak dorsolateral lobe and weakly sclerotized apices. T. adventicia has larger fore wings that are slightly more ovate with dark infuscation around veins R and R1; vein Rs is relatively shorter, meeting the costa further from the wing apex, with veins lacking long, fine divergent setae. The usual configuration of two inner and one outer metatibial spurs, previously used to separate the two species, appears inconsistent. The male parameres appear a little more broadly pyriform with slightly more sclerotized apices. T. eugeniae refers to a distinct species which has a restricted distribution only in its native range in southern subcoastal New South Wales, Australia. T. adventicia refers to a separate species, with a natural distribution in eastern subcoastal Australia, but has been introduced widely in southern Australia, to New Zealand and the USA. This study elucidates a long history of misidentification of T. eugeniae in the nursery industry and in almost 30 years of literature on its biological control in the USA. Regardless, the biological control program, unknowingly, targeted the correct species of psyllid, T. adventicia, in its foreign exploration and importation of the appropriate parasitoid as a biocontrol agent in the USA. Despite being firmly entrenched in both the nursery trade and scientific literature, the name T. eugeniae is misapplied. While the acceptance of the valid name, T. adventicia, might be regarded as both problematic and protracted, this is the correct taxonomical attribution.


错误身份案例:解决 Trioza eugeniae Froggatt 和 T. advicia Tuthill (Psylloidea: Triozidae) 之间的分类学

'Eugenia psyllid' 或 'Lilly psyllid',在澳大利亚和美国被广泛认可为三叶草Froggatt(半翅目:Triozidae),不是T.eugeniae, 反而外膜T.图希尔。在这项研究中,我们评估了来自整个本地和引进范围的材料的形态比较,并重新检查了两个分类群的原始描述,以及 Froggatt 的类型标本T.eugeniae. 此外,通过 DNA 条形码分析,我们证实了两者的有效性外膜T.T.eugeniae作为单独的物种。我们重新描述了这两个物种以包括以前未包括的其他字符,并指定了一个选型用于T.eugeniae.T.eugeniae有较小的前翅,稍微伸长一些。这些在静脉 R 和 R 周围缺乏输注1, 脉 Rs 相对较长,靠近翼尖与肋骨相交;某些脉带有长而细的分叉刚毛,这是以前没有描述过的特征。它始终具有三个内跖骨骨刺和一个外跖骨骨刺。雄性parameres 呈狭窄的梨形,背外侧叶较弱,顶端较弱。外膜T.前翅较大,略呈卵形,在静脉 R 和 R 周围有深色灌注1; 脉Rs相对较短,在距翅尖较远的地方与肋骨相接,脉缺乏长而细的分叉刚毛。两个内跖骨骨刺和一个外跖骨骨刺的通常配置,以前用于分隔这两个物种,似乎不一致。雄性parameres 看起来更宽梨形与稍微更多的sclerotized 顶点。T.eugeniae指仅在澳大利亚新南威尔士州南部沿海地区的原生范围内有限分布的独特物种。外膜T.指一个单独的物种,自然分布于澳大利亚东部沿海地区,但已广泛引入澳大利亚南部、新西兰和美国。这项研究阐明了长期以来的错误识别历史T.eugeniae在苗圃行业和美国近 30 年关于其生物控制的文献中。无论如何,生物控制程序在不知不觉中针对木虱的正确种类,外膜T., 在国外勘探和进口适当的寄生蜂作为生物防治剂在美国。尽管在苗圃贸易和科学文献中根深蒂固,这个名字T.eugeniae被误用。在接受有效名称的同时,外膜T., 可能被认为是有问题的和旷日持久的,这是正确的分类学属性。