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A MODEST review
Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology Pub Date : 2018-11-06 , DOI: 10.1186/s40668-018-0024-6
Anna Lisa Varri , Maxwell Xu Cai , Francisca Concha-Ramírez , František Dinnbier , Nora Lützgendorf , Václav Pavlík , Sara Rastello , Antonio Sollima , Long Wang , Alice Zocchi

We present an account of the state of the art in the fields explored by the research community invested in “Modeling and Observing DEnse STellar systems”. For this purpose, we take as a basis the activities of the MODEST-17 conference, which was held at Charles University, Prague, in September 2017. Reviewed topics include recent advances in fundamental stellar dynamics, numerical methods for the solution of the gravitational N-body problem, formation and evolution of young and old star clusters and galactic nuclei, their elusive stellar populations, planetary systems, and exotic compact objects, with timely attention to black holes of different classes of mass and their role as sources of gravitational waves. Such a breadth of topics reflects the growing role played by collisional stellar dynamics in numerous areas of modern astrophysics. Indeed, in the next decade many revolutionary instruments will enable the derivation of positions and velocities of individual stars in the Milky Way and its satellites, and will detect signals from a range of astrophysical sources in different portions of the electromagnetic and gravitational spectrum, with an unprecedented sensitivity. On the one hand, this wealth of data will allow us to address a number of long-standing open questions in star cluster studies; on the other hand, many unexpected properties of these systems will come to light, stimulating further progress of our understanding of their formation and evolution.



我们介绍了由研究界投资于“建模和观测DEnse STellar系统”的研究领域中的最新技术。为此,我们以2017年9月在布拉格查尔斯大学举行的MODEST-17会议的活动为基础。审阅的主题包括基本恒星动力学的最新进展,解决重力N的数值方法体问题,新老星团和星系核,它们难以捉摸的恒星群,行星系统和奇异的紧致物体的形成和演化,并及时关注不同质量等级的黑洞及其作为引力波源的作用。如此广泛的主题反映了碰撞恒星动力学在现代天体物理学的许多领域中所起的日益重要的作用。确实,在接下来的十年中,许多革命性的仪器将能够推导银河系及其卫星中单个恒星的位置和速度,并将以前所未有的灵敏度检测来自电磁和引力谱不同部分的一系列天体物理学来源的信号。一方面,大量的数据将使我们能够解决星团研究中许多长期存在的开放性问题。另一方面,这些系统的许多出乎意料的特性将被发现,从而刺激了我们对其形成和演化的理解的进一步发展。并将以前所未有的灵敏度检测来自电磁和引力谱不同部分的一系列天体来源的信号。一方面,大量的数据将使我们能够解决星团研究中许多长期存在的开放性问题。另一方面,这些系统的许多出乎意料的特性将被发现,从而刺激了我们对其形成和演化的理解的进一步发展。并将以前所未有的灵敏度检测来自电磁和引力谱不同部分的一系列天体来源的信号。一方面,大量的数据将使我们能够解决星团研究中许多长期存在的开放性问题。另一方面,这些系统的许多出乎意料的特性将被发现,从而刺激了我们对其形成和演化的理解的进一步发展。