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Camel production systems in Ethiopia: a review of literature with notes on MERS-CoV risk factors
Pastoralism ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-21 , DOI: 10.1186/s13570-018-0135-3
Tadele Mirkena 1 , Elias Walelign 1 , Nega Tewolde 1 , Getachew Gari 1 , Getachew Abebe 1 , Scott Newman 2

Camels are the most adapted species to the harsh conditions of arid/semi-arid rangelands of Ethiopia where pastoralism is the dominant mode of life and mobility is an inherent strategy to efficiently utilize the spatially and temporally distributed pasture and water resources. Usually, large numbers of camels and other domestic animals from many different herds/flocks congregate at watering sites, and this may create a perfect condition for disease transmission and spread among animals. The same water sources are also shared by multitudes of wild animals. Camel herd sizes per household range from few heads (five to ten) to several hundreds. Female camels account for more than 75% of the herd. Male camels are usually sold early as pack animals or for slaughter. Female camels may remain fertile up to 25 years, during which time they produce eight to ten calves. Camels are herded during daytime on communal rangelands. During night, they are kept in traditional kraals around homesteads. Breeding time is short and seasonal and is affected by rainfall patterns and feed availability. Usually, only men milk camels. Milking frequency ranges from two to five times per day. Washing of hands, milking vessels, the udder and teats is not practised by many prior to milking the camels. Besides, the milking area is generally full of dust and dung and without shade. This affects the quality and safety of the produced milk. Pathogens and diseases of camelids are less well known; however, they are suspected as zoonotic sources for the human infection with the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. There is an increasing need to determine whether camels are clinically susceptible, act as potential reservoirs and maintenance or bridge hosts, to viral pathogens.



骆驼是最适应埃塞俄比亚干旱/半干旱牧场恶劣条件的物种,那里以畜牧业为主导生活方式,流动性是有效利用空间和时间分布的牧场和水资源的固有策略。通常,来自许多不同牛群/羊群的大量骆驼和其他家畜聚集在饮水点,这可能为疾病在动物之间传播和传播创造完美条件。众多野生动物也共享同样的水源。每个家庭的骆驼群规模从几头(五到十头)到数百头不等。母骆驼占骆驼群的75%以上。雄性骆驼通常早期作为驮畜出售或用于屠宰。雌性骆驼的生育能力可持续长达 25 年,在此期间它们可产下 8 至 10 头小骆驼。白天,骆驼在公共牧场上被放牧。晚上,它们被关在农庄周围的传统畜栏里。繁殖时间短且具有季节性,并受到降雨模式和饲料供应的影响。通常,只有男人才给骆驼挤奶。挤奶频率为每天两到五次。许多人在给骆驼挤奶之前并没有清洗双手、挤奶容器、乳房和乳头。此外,挤奶区普遍布满灰尘和粪便,没有遮荫。这会影响所生产牛奶的质量和安全。骆驼科动物的病原体和疾病鲜为人知;然而,它们被怀疑是人类感染中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒的人畜共患来源。人们越来越需要确定骆驼是否在临床上对病毒病原体具有易感性,是否充当病毒病原体的潜在储存宿主和维持宿主或过渡宿主。