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Clinical Cancer Advances 2020: Annual Report on Progress Against Cancer From the American Society of Clinical Oncology
Journal of Clinical Oncology ( IF 42.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1200/jco.19.03141
Merry Jennifer Markham 1 , Kerri Wachter 2 , Neeraj Agarwal 3 , Monica M Bertagnolli 4 , Susan Marina Chang 5 , William Dale 6 , Catherine S M Diefenbach 7 , Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo 8 , Daniel J George 9 , Timothy D Gilligan 10 , R Donald Harvey 11 , Melissa L Johnson 12 , Randall J Kimple 13 , Miriam A Knoll 14 , Noelle LoConte 13 , Robert G Maki 15 , Jane Lowe Meisel 11 , Jeffrey A Meyerhardt 16 , Nathan A Pennell 10 , Gabrielle B Rocque 17 , Michael S Sabel 18 , Richard L Schilsky 2 , Bryan James Schneider 18 , William D Tap 19 , Robert G Uzzo 20 , Shannon Neville Westin 21

A MESSAGE FROM ASCO’S PRESIDENT Shortly before I was elected President of ASCO, I attended the 65th birthday party of a current patient. She had been diagnosed 10 years earlier with metastatic breast cancer and hadn't been sure she wanted to move forward with further treatment. With encouragement, she elected to participate in a clinical trial of an investigational drug that is now widely used to treat breast cancer. Happily, here we were, celebrating with her now-married daughters, their husbands, and three beautiful grandchildren, ages 2, 4, and 8. Such is the importance of clinical trials and promising new therapies.Clinical research is about saving and improving the lives of individuals with cancer. It's a continuing story that builds on the efforts of untold numbers of researchers, clinicians, caregivers, and patients. ASCO's Clinical Cancer Advances report tells part of this story, sharing the most transformative research of the past year. The report also includes our latest thinking on the most urgent research priorities in oncology.ASCO's 2020 Advance of the Year-Refinement of Surgical Treatment of Cancer-highlights how progress drives more progress. Surgery has played a fundamental role in cancer treatment. It was the only treatment available for many cancers until the advent of radiation and chemotherapy. The explosion in systemic therapies since then has resulted in significant changes to when and how surgery is performed to treat cancer. In this report, we explore how treatment successes have led to less invasive approaches for advanced melanoma, reduced the need for surgery in renal cell carcinoma, and increased the number of patients with pancreatic cancer who can undergo surgery.Many research advances are made possible by federal funding. With the number of new US cancer cases set to rise by roughly a third over the next decade, continued investment in research at the national level is crucial to continuing critical progress in the prevention, screening, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer.While clinical research has translated to longer survival and better quality of life for many patients with cancer, we can't rest on our laurels. With ASCO's Research Priorities to Accelerate Progress Against Cancer, introduced last year and updated this year, we've identified the critical gaps in cancer prevention and care that we believe to be most pressing. These priorities are intended to guide the direction of research and speed progress.Of course, the effectiveness or number of new treatments is meaningless if patients don't have access to them. High-quality cancer care, including clinical trials, is out of reach for too many patients. Creating an infrastructure to support patients is a critical part of the equation, as is creating connections between clinical practices and research programs. We have much work to do before everyone with cancer has equal access to the best treatments and the opportunity to participate in research. I know that ASCO and the cancer community are up for this challenge.Sincerely,Howard A. "Skip" Burris III, MD, FACP, FASCOASCO President, 2019-2020.


2020 年临床癌症进展:美国临床肿瘤学会抗癌进展年度报告

A MESSAGE FROM ASCO'S PRESIDENT Shortly before I was elected President of ASCO, I attended the 65th birthday party of a current patient. 她在 10 年前被诊断出患有转移性乳腺癌,并不确定她是否想继续接受进一步治疗。在鼓励下,她选择参加一项目前广泛用于治疗乳腺癌的研究药物的临床试验。令人高兴的是,我们在这里与她现已结婚的女儿、她们的丈夫和三个漂亮的孙子们一起庆祝,他们分别是 2 岁、4 岁和 8 岁。这就是临床试验和有希望的新疗法的重要性。临床研究是关于挽救和改善癌症患者的生活。这是一个持续的故事,建立在无数研究人员、临床医生、护理人员和患者的努力之上。ASCO' s 临床癌症进展报告讲述了这个故事的一部分,分享了过去一年最具变革性的研究。该报告还包括我们对肿瘤学最紧迫研究重点的最新想法。 ASCO 的 2020 年度进展——癌症外科治疗的改进——强调了进步如何推动更多进步。手术在癌症治疗中发挥了重要作用。在放疗和化疗出现之前,它是许多癌症唯一可用的治疗方法。自那时以来,全身疗法的爆炸式增长导致了进行手术治疗癌症的时间和方式发生了重大变化。在本报告中,我们探讨了治疗成功如何导致晚期黑色素瘤的侵入性更小,减少肾细胞癌手术的需要,并增加了可以接受手术的胰腺癌患者的数量。联邦资助使许多研究进展成为可能。随着未来十年美国新癌症病例数将增加约三分之一,国家层面对研究的持续投资对于在癌症预防、筛查、诊断和治疗方面继续取得重大进展至关重要。而临床研究已经转化为许多癌症患者更长的生存期和更好的生活质量,我们不能满足于现状。通过去年推出并于今年更新的 ASCO 加速抗癌进展的研究重点,我们已经确定了我们认为最紧迫的癌症预防和护理方面的关键差距。这些优先事项旨在指导研究方向和加快进展。当然,如果患者无法获得新疗法,新疗法的有效性或数量就毫无意义。高质量的癌症护理,包括临床试验,对太多患者来说是遥不可及的。创建支持患者的基础设施是等式的关键部分,就像在临床实践和研究计划之间建立联系一样。在每个患有癌症的人都能平等获得最佳治疗方法和参与研究的机会之前,我们还有很多工作要做。我知道 ASCO 和癌症社区已准备好迎接这一挑战。诚挚的,Howard A. “Skip” Burris III,医学博士,FACP,FASCOASCO 总裁,2019-2020 年。对太多患者来说是遥不可及的。创建支持患者的基础设施是等式的关键部分,就像在临床实践和研究计划之间建立联系一样。在每个患有癌症的人都能平等获得最佳治疗方法和参与研究的机会之前,我们还有很多工作要做。我知道 ASCO 和癌症社区已准备好迎接这一挑战。诚挚的,Howard A. “Skip” Burris III,医学博士,FACP,FASCOASCO 总裁,2019-2020 年。对太多患者来说是遥不可及的。创建支持患者的基础设施是等式的关键部分,就像在临床实践和研究计划之间建立联系一样。在每个患有癌症的人都能平等获得最佳治疗方法和参与研究的机会之前,我们还有很多工作要做。我知道 ASCO 和癌症社区已准备好迎接这一挑战。诚挚的,Howard A. “Skip” Burris III,医学博士,FACP,FASCOASCO 总裁,2019-2020 年。