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Livestock owners' anthrax prevention practices and its associated factors in Sekota Zuria district, Northeast Ethiopia.
BMC Veterinary Research ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-03 , DOI: 10.1186/s12917-020-2267-0
Kibeb Seid 1 , Atsede Mazengia Shiferaw 2 , Nurhusien Nuru Yesuf 3 , Terefe Derso 4 , Mekonnen Sisay 4

BACKGROUND In Ethiopia, the second most prioritized of the zoonotic diseases next to rabies is anthrax. About 50.6% of anthrax cases and 33.3% of deaths of livestock have been reported from Wag-Himra Zone, where appropriate anthrax prevention practices are not implemented by the owners of the animals. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the extent of appropriate anthrax prevention practices of livestock owners and associated factors in Sekota Zuria district, northwest Ethiopia. RESULTS Twenty-five percent (95% CI: 25.2, 26.1%) of the livestock owners implemented appropriate anthrax prevention. Three quarters (74%) of the owners consumed infected meat; more than three quarters (78%) used the skins and hides of animals found dead with anthrax. The odds of appropriate anthrax prevention practices were higher among livestock owners with positive attitude (AOR = 4.16, 95% CI: 2.72, 6.37), who received health education (AOR = 2.00, 95% CI: 1.21, 3.28) and owners who lived in urban areas (AOR = 2.62, 95% CI: 1.43, 4.77) compared to their counterparts. Ability to read and write (AOR = 2.76, 95% CI: 1.74, 4.37), and primary (AOR = 3.6, 95% CI: 1.74, 4.37) or secondary school and above education (AOR = 4.24, 95% CI: 1.61, 11.13) were significantly associated with appropriate anthrax prevention practices. CONCLUSION In Sekota Zuria district, only one quarter of the livestock owners were aware of appropriate anthrax prevention practices. Thus, implementing effective health education and creating positive attitude are vital to improve anthrax prevention practices in the area.


埃塞俄比亚东北部Sekota Zuria地区牲畜所有者的炭疽预防实践及其相关因素。

背景技术在埃塞俄比亚,仅次于狂犬病的人畜共患疾病中排在第二位的是炭疽病。瓦格-希姆拉地区报告了约50.6%的炭疽病例和33.3%的牲畜死亡,那里的动物所有人未采取适当的炭疽预防措施。因此,本研究的目的是确定埃塞俄比亚西北部Sekota Zuria地区牲畜所有者的适当炭疽预防措施及相关因素。结果有25%(95%CI:25.2,26.1%)的牲畜所有者实施了适当的炭疽预防。四分之三(74%)的业主食用受感染的肉;超过四分之三(78%)的动物使用了被发现死于炭疽病的动物的皮和兽皮。有积极态度的牲畜饲养者(AOR = 4.16,95%CI:2.72,6.37),接受过健康教育(AOR = 2.00,95%CI:1.21、3.28)以及活着的饲养者中,采取适当的炭疽预防措施的几率更高与城市地区相比(AOR = 2.62,95%CI:1.43,4.77)。读写能力(AOR = 2.76,95%CI:1.74,4.37)和小学(AOR = 3.6,95%CI:1.74,4.37)或中学及以上文化程度(AOR = 4.24,95%CI:1.61) (11.13)与适当的炭疽预防措施显着相关。结论在Sekota Zuria地区,只有四分之一的牲畜所有者知道适当的炭疽预防措施。因此,实施有效的健康教育并树立积极的态度对于改善该地区的炭疽预防实践至关重要。