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Linguistic-cultural validation of the oral health assessment tool (OHAT) for the Italian context.
BMC Nursing ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-31 , DOI: 10.1186/s12912-020-0399-y
Stefano Finotto 1 , Giorgia Bertolini 2 , Riccarda Camellini 1 , Rita Fantelli 1 , Debora Formisano 1 , Maria Grazia Macchioni 1 , Daniela Mecugni 3

Background The increase in the ageing population and the consequent establishment of a network of adequate structures to respond effectively to the welfare needs of institutionalized elderly people have stimulated the discussion by healthcare professionals on the subject of oral hygiene.Literature data show that the same attention has not been paid to oral health care compared to other health needs. Many studies have demonstrated that oral health has a significant impact on the quality of life, especially for older people. Poor oral health also has a considerable role on the physical condition of the elderly because it affects their ability to eat, feed themselves, forcing them to have unbalanced diets. The consequence of this condition is dehydration, malnutrition and impairment of communication skills. The essential nursing activity for oral care is the assessment of the state of oral health, an activity that should be conducted by means of valid tools. To date there are no tools for assessing the health of the oral cavity validated for the Italian linguistic-cultural context. The aim of this study is to conduct a linguistic-cultural validation for the Italian context, of the original Australian version of the Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT) scale. Methods Study design: Linguistic-cultural validation and adaptation of a tool for the assessment of oral health. The Beaton and Sousa & Rojjanasrirat (2011) models were used to conduct the linguistic-cultural validation and adaptation process. This validation involved 368 inmates/patients aged over 65 years with cognitive deficit. Results The face validity was confirmed by a score for each item related to clarity equal to or greater than 80%. The content validity was confirmed by an content validity index for items (I-CVI) score equal to or greater than 0.8 for each item and an content validity index for scales (S-CVI) of 0.93 for the entire tool. For the reliability of the internal consistency the Cronbach alpha was calculated, which was found to be 0.82. The test-retest was calculated by means of the Pearson coefficient correlation which turned out to be 0.5. Conclusions The Italian version of the OHAT is a tool that can help to consider oral health at the same level as other health needs aimed at increasing the quality of nursing care provided. This tool can be used by nurses to assess the health of the oral cavity in elderly subjects also with cognitive deficit.


针对意大利背景的口腔健康评估工具 (OHAT) 的语言文化验证。

背景 人口老龄化的增加以及随之而来的适当结构网络的建立,以有效应对收容老年人的福利需求,激发了医疗保健专业人员对口腔卫生主题的讨论。文献数据表明,同样的关注也引起了人们的关注。与其他健康需求相比,口腔保健没有得到支付。许多研究表明,口腔健康对生活质量有重大影响,特别是对于老年人来说。口腔健康状况不佳对老年人的身体状况也有相当大的影响,因为它影响他们进食、进食的能力,迫使他们饮食不均衡。这种情况的后果是脱水、营养不良和沟通能力受损。口腔护理的基本护理活动是口腔健康状况的评估,这项活动应借助有效的工具进行。迄今为止,还没有针对意大利语言文化背景的口腔健康评估工具。本研究的目的是对澳大利亚原始版本口腔健康评估工具 (OHAT) 量表在意大利背景下进行语言文化验证。方法 研究设计:口腔健康评估工具的语言文化验证和改编。 Beaton 和 Sousa & Rojjanasrirat (2011) 模型用于进行语言文化验证和适应过程。该验证涉及 368 名 65 岁以上患有认知缺陷的囚犯/患者。结果 表面有效性通过与清晰度相关的每个项目的分数等于或大于 80% 来确认。 内容效度通过每个项目的项目内容效度指数 (I-CVI) 得分等于或大于 0.8 以及整个工具的量表内容效度指数 (S-CVI) 0.93 来确认。对于内部一致性的可靠性,计算了 Cronbach alpha,结果为 0.82。重测通过皮尔逊相关系数计算,结果为0.5。结论 意大利版 OHAT 是一种工具,可以帮助将口腔健康与其他健康需求放在同一水平上,旨在提高护理质量。护士可以使用该工具来评估也有认知缺陷的老年受试者的口腔健康状况。