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Biofouling and me: My Stockholm syndrome with biofilms.
Water Research ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.115576
Hans-Curt Flemming 1

Biofouling is the undesired deposition and growth of microorganisms on surfaces, forming biofilms. The definition is subjective and operational: not every biofilm causes biofouling - only if a given a subjective "threshold of interference" is exceeded, biofilms cause technical or medical problems. These range from the formation of slime layers on ship hulls or in pipelines, which increase friction resistance, to separation membranes, on which biofilms increase hydraulic resistance, to heat exchangers where they interfere with heat transport to contamination of treated water by eroded biofilm cells which may comprise hygienically relevant microorganisms, and, most dangerous, to biofilms on implants and catheters which can cause persistent infections. The largest fraction of anti-fouling research, usually in short-term experiments, is focused on prevention or limiting primary microbial adhesion. Intuitively, this appears only logical, but turns out mostly hopeless. This is because in technical systems with open access for microorganisms, all surfaces are colonized sooner or later which explains the very limited success of that research. As a result, the use of biocides remains the major tool to fight persistent biofilms. However, this is costly in terms of biocides, it stresses working materials, causes off-time and environmental damage and it usually leaves large parts of biofilms in place, ready for regrowth. In order to really solve biofouling problems, it is necessary to learn how to live with biofilms and mitigate their detrimental effects. This requires rather an integrated strategy than aiming to invent "one-shot" solutions. In this context, it helps to understand the biofilm way of life as a natural phenomenon. Biofilms are the oldest, most successful and most widely distributed form of life on earth, existing even in extreme environments and being highly resilient. Microorganisms in biofilms live in a self-produced matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) which allows them to develop emerging properties such as enhanced nutrient acquisition, synergistic microconsortia, enhanced tolerance to biocides and antibiotics, intense intercellular communication and cooperation. Transiently immobilized, biofilm organisms turn their matrix into an external digestion system by retaining complexed exoenzymes in the matrix. Biofilms grow even on traces of any biodegradable material, therefore, an effective anti-fouling strategy comprises to keep the system low in nutrients (good housekeeping), employing low-fouling, easy-to-clean surfaces, monitoring of biofilm development, allowing for early intervention, and acknowledging that cleaning can be more important than trying to kill biofilms, because cleaning does not cut the nutrient supply of survivors and dead biomass serves as an additional carbon source for "cannibalizing" survivors, supporting rapid after growth. An integrated concept is presented as the result of a long journey of the author through biofouling problems.


