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Protein lysine methylation in the regulation of anoxia tolerance in the red eared slider turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D: Genomics & Proteomics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cbd.2020.100660
Kyle K Biggar 1

The red eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) is a champion vertebrate facultative anaerobe, capable of surviving for several months under conditions of exceptionally low oxygen availability. The ability of the turtle to facilitate this impressive tolerance to oxygen restriction is accomplished through a dramatic reduction in non-essential cellular processes. This is done in an attempt to conserve limited ATP stores and match demand in the anoxic state, with ATP supplied primarily through anaerobic glycolysis. Determining both the non-essential and the essential cellular processes that are deemed to be anoxia-responsive in the turtle has been an intense area of study over the past few decades. As a result, recent advancements have established the influence of global metabolic controls, such as post-transcriptional and post-translational regulation of gene expression in anoxia adaptation. A remaining question is whether or not epigenetic-level regulatory mechanisms are also utilized to allow for local control over gene expression. Recently, research has begun to document lysine methylation as an anoxia-responsive post-translational histone modification, as the activities of a number of methyl-lysine regulatory enzymes are extraordinarily sensitive to oxygen availability. As a result, oxygen-dependent methyl-lysine regulatory enzymes have been of particular interest to several recent studies of animal oxygen sensitivity, including the freshwater turtle. This review will introduce the concept of lysine methylation as an oxygen-sensitive protein modification as well as a prospectus on how this modification may contribute to anoxia tolerance in the turtle.


蛋白质赖氨酸甲基化调节红耳滑龟Trachemys scripta elegans的耐缺氧性。

红耳滑龟(Trachemys scripta elegans)是脊椎动物的兼性厌氧菌冠军,能够在氧气含量极低的条件下存活数月。通过极大地减少非必需的细胞过程,乌龟能够促进这种令人印象深刻的对氧气限制的耐受性。这样做是为了保留有限的ATP储存并满足缺氧状态下的需求,而ATP主要通过厌氧糖酵解提供。在过去的几十年中,确定在海龟中被认为是缺氧反应的非必需细胞过程和必需细胞过程都是研究的热点。结果,最近的进展确立了全球代谢控制的影响,例如在缺氧适应中基因表达的转录后和翻译后调节。剩下的问题是,是否还利用表观遗传水平的调控机制来实现对基因表达的局部控制。最近,研究已经开始证明赖氨酸甲基化是一种对缺氧反应的翻译后组蛋白修饰,因为许多甲基赖氨酸调节酶的活性对氧的利用极为敏感。结果,依赖氧的甲基赖氨酸调节酶已引起对动物氧敏感性的一些最新研究的特别兴趣,包括淡水龟。