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Generation and symmetry control of quantum frequency combs
npj Quantum Information ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-31 , DOI: 10.1038/s41534-019-0237-9
G. Maltese , M. I. Amanti , F. Appas , G. Sinnl , A. Lemaître , P. Milman , F. Baboux , S. Ducci

Quantum frequency combs are a useful resource for parallel quantum communication and processing, given the robustness and easy handling offered by the frequency degree of freedom. In this work, we propose a method to generate broadband biphoton frequency combs and control their symmetry under particle exchange, based on purely passive optical components, such as a cavity and an optical delay line. We experimentally demonstrate our method using an integrated AlGaAs semiconductor platform producing quantum frequency combs, working at room temperature and compliant with electrical injection. We show the generation and manipulation of biphoton frequency combs, spreading over more the 500 peaks. These results open interesting perspectives for the development of massively parallel and reconfigurable systems for complex quantum operations.



