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Mapping the knowledge of the main diseases affecting sea bass and sea bream in Mediterranean.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-21 , DOI: 10.1111/tbed.13482
Ana Muniesa 1, 2 , Bernardo Basurco 2 , Cristóbal Aguilera 3 , Dolors Furones 3 , Carmen Reverté 3 , Anna Sanjuan-Vilaplana 3 , Mona Dverdal Jansen 4 , Edgar Brun 4 , Saraya Tavornpanich 4

Good knowledge on the disease situation and its impact on production is a base mechanism for designing health surveillance, risk analysis and biosecurity systems. Mediterranean marine fish farming, as any aquaculture production, is affected by various infectious diseases. However, seabass and seabream, the main produced species, are not listed as susceptible host species for the notifiable pathogens listed in the current EU legislation, which generates a lack of systematic reporting. The results presented in this study come from a survey directly to fish farms (50 hatchery and on-growing units from 10 Mediterranean countries), with data from 2015 to 2017, conducted by the H2020 project MedAID. Seabass showed a higher survival rate (85%) through a production cycle than seabream (80%) in spite of equal mortality due to pathogen infections (10%). The differences in survival may be explained by mortality 'of other causes'. Seabream and seabass have different disease profiles, and the profile is slightly different between geographical regions. Among the most important diseases, tenacibaculosis and vibriosis were identified in seabass and Sparicotyle chrysophrii (a gill fluke) and nodavirus in seabream. Correlating mortality data to management variables showed that increasing density, buying fingerlings from external sources and treatments due to disease are factors that negatively influence mortality rate. Most of the surveyed farms did not keep sufficient quality data to implement good health status reports and perform detailed impact studies, which shows the necessity of updating the current legislative framework to provide the basis for better reporting of relevant pathogens in the Mediterranean basin.



对疾病状况及其对生产的影响的充分了解是设计健康监测,风险分析和生物安全系统的基本机制。与任何水产养殖产品一样,地中海海水鱼类养殖也受到各种传染病的影响。然而,目前欧盟立法中未将主要生产种类的鲈鱼和鲷作为可报告的病原体列为易感宿主物种,这导致缺乏系统的报告。这项研究的结果直接来自对鱼类养殖场(来自10个地中海国家的50个孵化场和正在生长的养殖场)的调查,该调查采用了H2020项目MedAID进行的2015年至2017年的数据。尽管由于病原体感染造成的死亡率相同,但鲈鱼在整个生产周期中的成活率(85%)比鲷鱼(80%)高。生存的差异可以用“其他原因”的死亡率来解释。鲷和鲈鱼具有不同的疾病特征,地理特征在地理区域之间略有不同。在最重要的疾病中,鲈鱼中检出了腱棒杆菌和弧菌病,而鲷鱼中鉴定出了金丝雀(Sparicotyle chrysophrii,(病毒)和诺达病毒。将死亡率数据与管理变量相关联表明,密度增加,从外部来源购买鱼种和疾病导致的治疗是对死亡率产生负面影响的因素。大多数接受调查的农场没有保存足够的质量数据来实施良好的健康状况报告和进行详细的影响研究,