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Comments on __evocable and Scalable Certificateless Remote Authentication Protocol With Anonymity for Wireless Body Area Networks_
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 9-24-2018 , DOI: 10.1109/tifs.2018.2871761
Kyung-Ah Shim

To solve security and privacy issues in wireless body area networks, several types of digital signature schemes have been adapted to a number of authentication protocols. Recently in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY (TIFS) (DOI: 10.1109/TIFS.2015.2414399), Xiong and Qin proposed a revocable certificateless encryption (R-CLE) scheme against decryption key exposure, and a revocable certificateless signature (R-CLS) scheme against signing key exposure. Then they proposed a revocable and scalable certificateless remote authentication protocol with anonymity for wireless body area networks based on the combination of R-CLE scheme and R-CLS scheme. However, we show that their RCLS scheme is insecure against type I adversaries: a type I adversary who knows only a user's secret value can forge signatures on any messages in the same time period. Hence, their authentication protocol fails to meet the claimed security requirements.



为了解决无线体域网中的安全和隐私问题,多种类型的数字签名方案已适应多种认证协议。最近,在IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY (TIFS) (DOI: 10.1109/TIFS.2015.2414399)中,Xiong和Qin提出了一种防止解密密钥暴露的可撤销无证书加密(R-CLE)方案,以及可撤销无证书签名(R-CLS) )针对签名密钥暴露的方案。然后,他们基于R-CLE方案和R-CLS方案的结合,提出了一种可撤销、可扩展、可匿名的无线体域网无证书远程认证协议。然而,我们表明他们的 RCLS 方案对于 I 类对手来说是不安全的:只知道用户秘密值的 I 类对手可以在同一时间段内伪造任何消息的签名。因此,他们的身份验证协议无法满足声称的安全要求。