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$\mathsf{PrivateLink}$ : Privacy-Preserving Integration and Sharing of Datasets
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-20 , DOI: 10.1109/tifs.2019.2924201
Hoon Wei Lim , Geong Sen Poh , Jia Xu , Varsha Chittawar

In privacy-enhancing technology, it has been inevitably challenging to strike a reasonable balance between privacy, efficiency, and usability (utility). To this, we propose a highly practical solution for the privacy-preserving integration and sharing of datasets among a group of participants. At the heart of our solution is a new interactive protocol, PrivateLink. Through PrivateLink, each participant is able to randomize his/her dataset via an independent and untrusted third party, such that the resulting dataset can be merged with other randomized datasets contributed by other participants in a privacy-preserving manner. Our approach does not require key sharing among participants in order to integrate different datasets. This, in turn, leads to a user-friendly and scalable solution. Moreover, the correctness of a randomized dataset returned by the third party can be securely verified by the participant. We further demonstrate PrivateLink's general utilities: using it to construct a structure-preserving data integration protocol. This is particularly useful for private, fine-grained integration of network traffic data. We state the security of our protocols under the well-established real-ideal simulation paradigm and demonstrate practicality by a prototype implementation on: 1) healthcare datasets and 2) DNS and NetFlow datasets.


$ \ mathsf {PrivateLink} $ :保留隐私的数据集集成和共享
