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Simulating incompressible flow on moving meshfree grids
Computers & Fluids ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2020.104464
Yaroslav Vasyliv , Alexander Alexeev

Abstract A moving grid meshfree solver is developed for incompressible flow based on the General Finite Difference (GFD) discretization of a semi-implicit approximate projection algorithm. Boundary conditions are imposed using a sharp interface to modify the GFD stencil coefficients. To maintain grid regularity, we employ an explicit shift based on the relaxation of a linear spring model. Several test cases are presented to verify and validate the solver, including simulations of the Taylor-Green vortex problem, the flow in a lid-driven cavity and the flow around an inline oscillating cylinder.



摘要 基于半隐式近似投影算法的广义有限差分(GFD)离散化,开发了一种用于不可压缩流动的移动网格无网格求解器。使用尖锐的界面来施加边界条件以修改 GFD 模板系数。为了保持网格规律性,我们采用基于线性弹簧模型松弛的显式移位。提供了几个测试案例来验证和验证求解器,包括对 Taylor-Green 涡流问题的模拟、盖子驱动腔中的流动和内嵌振荡圆柱体周围的流动。