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On the simultaneous activation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase by pyruvate and fructose 6-phosphate.
Biochimie ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biochi.2020.01.012
Matías D Asencion Diez 1 , Carlos M Figueroa 2 , María C Esper 2 , Romila Mascarenhas 3 , Mabel C Aleanzi 2 , Dali Liu 3 , Miguel A Ballicora 3 , Alberto A Iglesias 2

Bacterial ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylases are allosterically regulated by metabolites that are key intermediates of central pathways in the respective microorganism. Pyruvate (Pyr) and fructose 6-phosphate (Fru6P) activate the enzyme from Agrobacterium tumefaciens by increasing Vmax about 10- and 20-fold, respectively. Here, we studied the combined effect of both metabolites on the enzyme activation. Our results support a model in which there is a synergistic binding of these two activators to two distinct sites and that each activator leads the enzyme to distinct active forms with different properties. In presence of both activators, Pyr had a catalytically dominant effect over Fru6P determining the active conformational state. By mutagenesis we obtained enzyme variants still sensitive to Pyr activation, but in which the allosteric signal by Fru6P was disrupted. This indicated that the activation mechanism for each effector was not the same. The ability for this enzyme to have more than one allosteric activator site, active forms, and allosteric signaling mechanisms is critical to expand the evolvability of its regulation. These synergistic interactions between allosteric activators may represent a feature in other allosteric enzymes.


